Slant Six Forum

Flexplate for a '65
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Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Flexplate for a '65

Anybody got one laying around?
I have to get a flexplate and then a new converter and that will hopefully get me back on the road?
Wish the drugs I was on didn't keep me so drifty!
If I had known what I know now, I would have just ordered a newer crank with the rebuild kit when I got the kit 4 years ago!

I now have a rebuilt 727 with a shiftkit in it - slant 6 housing.
I have a rebuilt 727 - BB housing. (Trades - For Sale)
I have the spacer and adapter plate for a SB 727

and none of them match the motor yet!
ah yes - Life in the Fast Lane! Gotta Love It!


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Dan, I don't know which parts you are trying to use. If you are planing to use the slant six 727 on a 65 engine, I would suggest you contact a converter builder. I know a converter can be built for the late 904 trans and an early engine, but I don't think it can be done with the late 727. Best to check now. Also if I remember corectly the 727 converters had two different bolt circle diameters. You would have to have the smaller diameter. I don't thing there is a flexplate for the 65 engine with the large bolt circle. I am not positive about any of this, so you will need to check it out.

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Charlie, the flexplates I have are the larger diameter.
The spacer that fits the end of the crank has the same diameter hole on one side as the '65 and the other side is the same diameter as the '67.
The bolt holes line up, but are you saying that the '65 flexplate would not have a bolt pattern that's the same? Or that the hole diameter would not be smaller?
I have calls into two different converter outfits - they are not around on the weekends. Edge and Continental.

All this has about fried me.
Why the F can't I get a break?

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:21 am ]
Post subject: 

All slant six flex plates have the same bolt hole circle for the crank mounting bolts. The 67 down flexplates have a smaller hole in the center of the flexplate then the 68 up. 727 torque converters came with two different converter to flexplate mounting bolt circle diameters. So you will need to make sure the converter will mate to your flex plate. I am not familiar with the slant six 727 adapter, so I don't know what configuration the crank adapter has. The only one I have seen is on Lou Madsen's dart, and that one is installed, so I could not see the crank adapter.

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great now I'm getting even more confused!!
Ya know, maybe I should just take the whole damn thing apart and out of the van again and install the larger crank in it and get it over with. It's only another $200!


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dan, you still have not told me what trans you are trying to use. In the first post of this thread you listed a menu of parts you had, but not what you wanted to use.

If it was me. I would call a converter manufacturer, and make sure I could get a converter, with the small (1965) pilot and the large input splines (68 newer), and a 10 inch converter to flexplate bolt circle. If they can do that for a reasonable price, Get the 65 Flex plate, and use the Slant Six 727 trans.
Then sell the adapter for the slant engine to small block trans on E-bay.

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's exactly what I am hoping will happen Charlie.
I have the slant 727 rebuilt and ready.
I planned on using the slant 727 with the motor - but it's a "67" tranny and the block is the '65.

Hopefully the converter outfits can do the converter and flex plate for me.
If not, then I am guessing that I will have to reorder a crank with a larger hole in it's rear end and "rebuild" my "rebuild".

Will let you know,

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's exactly what I am hoping will happen Charlie.
I have the slant 727 rebuilt and ready.
I planned on using the slant 727 with the motor - but it's a "67" tranny and the block is the '65.

Will let you know,
Dan, a 65 crank and '67 trans should have the same hub diameter. I question the / trans being a '67 though, as no / cases were built until in the '70's. :shock:

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I've been thinking along those same lines!

The tranny was sitting in a '76 pickup - but like everything I have on my '69, it doesn't matter because they are so mix and match.
When I go to a parts store and they ask me what year it is I tell them - the motor is a '65, the tranny is a '67, the motor was just rebuilt completely so technically it's a 2006!, it has an NOS 500CFM Holley carb, it has new intake off of a '77, it has a new exhaust off of a '76 and .....
They usually start laughing and get the point by that time!

Anyway, I talked with a tranny outfit in Michigan that a member of my A100 group uses and he told me it's not gonna happen.

I have to find a SB V8 727 now and switch internals, or else reorder a crank and take the whole thing apart and recrank it.

Not too mention it's still raining cats and dogs out here!
Can't even go out to work on anything with it until it clears and they keep saying it could be another week of this around here!

Depression! - Don't knock it until you've tried it!

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