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904 Leak
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Author:  63dartdude [ Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  904 Leak

I have a tranmission fluid leak at the spot where my PARK cable from my push button goes into the transmission. I went to a Dodge car lot, and asked the parts department for the rubber piece that would stop it. They said "Sorry, we don't carry that anymore". Does anyone know where I could find one? Thanks.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, the Dodge dealer isn't going to have much of anything for your '63 any more. Your source for parts for the '63 trans is Pat Blais. 206-365-1966. Best to buy the seal kit (and maybe a new filter, too, while they last!)

Author:  63dartdude [ Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  904 Leak

Thanks. I am working with him now. You are the MAN.

Author:  mopar_nocar [ Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

is '63 a different filter from '65?

all the parts stores have the tranny filter for my '65.


Author:  mopar_nocar [ Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

is '63 a different filter from '65?

all the parts stores have the tranny filter for my '65.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

is '63 a different filter from '65?
Yes. The filter up through '63 is an external canister-style unit plumbed into the cooler line.
all the parts stores have the tranny filter for my '65.
That's true. And for a '64. But not for a '63.

Author:  63dartdude [ Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  904 Leak

Proving again, you are the MAN. You are correct. My filter is located just below the starter in a canister. I did ask Pat about that as well, thanks to your tip.

On another thing, I believe you were saying loud exhaust gets old quick. I got lucky. I just put in 2.25" pipes, and asked for a quiet Turbo. I got a Dynomax, and when I started the car, I thought he put on a regular muffler. But the sound is nice. Instead of the muffler hiss, I get a deep tone that is perfect. I can drive through the neighborhood, without anyone suspecting a performance muffler. And when I step on it, it is similar to an open carburetor. A deep tone. Not quite as nice as an open carburetor sound. But still pleasing to these ears.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to help out. Reminds me I need to rattle Pat's cage; we were talking over some parts for my '62 last summer and the conversation kind of fizzled out. I was wanting to try out the part-throttle-downshift retrofit to early transmissions and see how it works out!

The canister-style up-to-'63 filters, P/N 2400-124 or Fram P1651PL, are drying up fast. Pat has some remaining stock. For a daily driver, you may be better off going to the later pan and in-pan filter setup. Your choice!

Sounds like you lucked into a very livable exhaust setup. You say "pipes". Do you have duals of some kind?

Author:  63dartdude [ Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  904 Leak

I meant pipe. That was a slip. I went in, and asked about dual pipes. However, the fuel tank wasn't in the middle. It sits more towards the passenger side, to make room for the one pipe on the driver side. I was hoping to put 2 pipes in, but the muffler guy said no way going 2" or higher. If he could have done 2", hooray. So I went with one pipe at 2.25". And I will live with that.

If Pat has what I need now, I will keep with it for now. But I will look into changing it in the future. It isn't a daily driver, and never will be. I am building it up to be my toot around town, after I retire, car. Or right now, drive it to the stores on the weekend. It mostly sits in my garage. When I say toot around town, I mean without the wife. If she comes along, we go with the newer car, with A/C, air bags, stereo, etc... I guess she doesn't like the original AM radio that still works. Or the vent as A/C. She asked me the first time she rode in it. Does it have A/C? I pointed to the vent, and she rolled her eyes.

Thanks again for more ideas.

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