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ignition questions
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Author:  87 Pick-up [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  ignition questions

I have a super six set up in my 87 pick up. I am using the holley 2 bbl, MSD coil, and wires, 2 1/4 exhaust thru a DynaFlo muffler . No smog stuff at all. I can't find info on the ign set up. I think the lack of sensors and vacumn may be keeping my timing retarded. My gas mileage is terrible 13mpg. No top end, have to down shift to 3 to pull hills. Engine has 100k original miles, no other problems. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

Author:  Super6 [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ignition questions

I have a super six set up in my 87 pick up. I am using the holley 2 bbl, MSD coil, and wires, 2 1/4 exhaust thru a DynaFlo muffler .
Did you install the 2 bbl setup, or was it installed on the truck when you got it?
No smog stuff at all.
Does this include the SCC (spark control computer), which would be located behind the battery in the driver side fender? Do you still have the SCC distributor installed? It would have two pickups (two sets of wires from the cap) and no vacuum advance pod.
I can't find info on the ign set up. I think the lack of sensors and vacumn may be keeping my timing retarded. My gas mileage is terrible 13mpg. No top end, have to down shift to 3 to pull hills.
If you are still running the SCC, it sounds like it is stuck in 'limp' mode, which is a default setting that locks out any ignition timing advance. The computer not receiving any input from no-longer existing sensors could trigger it to go into 'limp' mode.

Have you tried Checking For Codes? It will probably spit a whole slough of them at you. Without the proper sensors in place, your best bet is probably to convert to standard electronic ignition (or GM HEI electronic ignition, or aftermarket--do a search and you will find a wealth of information on these conversions).


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry, Super6. The engine computers on Chrysler Corp vehicles, with carbs, are 1st generation "dumb" computers. Thay do not have the ability to "talk" to "code readers", scan tools, or flash check engine lites. It wasn't untill fuel injection, that the computers could talk back.

Author:  Super6 [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry, Super6. The engine computers on Chrysler Corp vehicles, with carbs, are 1st generation "dumb" computers. Thay do not have the ability to "talk" to "code readers", scan tools, or flash check engine lites. It wasn't untill fuel injection, that the computers could talk back.
I have to disagree. I pulled codes from my '87 when it still had the SCC compter. All codes may not apply, but it did flash codes, ending with 55. :?

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Are you sure, you are not thinking about a FWD car, or a V-6? On those, that had FI, you were able to cycle the ign switch (on and off 3 times), to access codes. I just went back into my manuals (been awhile since I have had hands on), to double check my statement, and found no reference on pulling codes. My daily driver is a 88 Diplomat with the SSC, and it does not even have a "check engine lite". I will try to double check, on a friends truck this weekend.

Author:  Jeb [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

My 87 Fifth Avenue has no check engine light either. It has the Electronic Fuel Control System. Another iteration of the good ole shake n' bake computer.

Author:  Ice Titan [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

You'll need to get the smog stuff back on the truck to pass NC safety inspection. That is assuming it originally came with it.

Author:  87 Pick-up [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Super 6, yes I did the install myself. Yes it still has the SCC unit and that was what I thought. What year distributor and ign module would be the best for my truck?

Author:  Super6 [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Super 6, yes I did the install myself. Yes it still has the SCC unit and that was what I thought. What year distributor and ign module would be the best for my truck?
Anything post-points and pre-lean burn/SCC. Roughly any car or truck from '74-'79.

Charlie, I am pretty sure. My '87 was my first vehicle, and it and my 2000 Ram are the only two vehicles I have ever owned. :?
I remember when I first read about obtaining trouble codes (from a Haynes manual of all places :oops: ) and being amazed my truck was able to do such a thing. If I still had the factory instrument cluster, I would look to see which light it was that flashed. It was not a 'check engine' light, there was no such animal. All I recall is it was a red light in teh middle/left of the cluster.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I pulled codes from my '87 when it still had the SCC compter. All codes may not apply, but it did flash codes, ending with 55.
Must've been an interesting nonstandard computer unit, then, because flash codes did not officially arrive until EFI. You didn't discard a rare, one-of-none, super-double-intergalactic-secret factory prototype, did you? :lol:

Author:  Super6 [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Must've been an interesting nonstandard computer unit, then, because flash codes did not officially arrive until EFI. You didn't discard a rare, one-of-none, super-double-intergalactic-secret factory prototype, did you? :lol:

Mock me if you wish. All I know is what I have actually done, on my own 1987 Dodge Ram, in the past.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mock me if you wish. All I know is what I have actually done, on my own 1987 Dodge Ram, in the past.
I'm not mocking you, I'm mocking Chrysler Corp. :roll:

Author:  Patrick Devlin [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mock me if you wish. All I know is what I have actually done, on my own 1987 Dodge Ram, in the past.
I'm not mocking you, I'm mocking Chrysler Corp. :roll:
My Dart has a Plymouth "flying coffin" horn button...I always wondered if it came that way from the factory. :shock: So who knows what was put into your car at the time of assembly.

Author:  sick6 [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Exceptio probat regulam in casibus non exceptis
"the exception that proves the rule"

.......I like "when in doubt play dead" better myself.

Author:  87 Pick-up [ Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Super 6, I have a 79 distributor w/vac advance and a GM HEI 4 pin module. Is there anywhere with wiring instruction or diagrams to do away with the SCC? which wires from the 10 pin connector will be used for the HEI module? Thanks in advance.

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