I split this out from the "ignition question" thread.
Charlie, I am pretty sure. My '87 was my first vehicle, and it and my 2000 Ram are the only two vehicles I have ever owned.

I remember when I first read about obtaining trouble codes (from a Haynes manual of all places

) and being amazed my truck was able to do such a thing. If I still had the factory instrument cluster, I would look to see which light it was that flashed. It was not a 'check engine' light, there was no such animal. All I recall is it was a red light in teh middle/left of the cluster.
Ah, that's the problem, a "Haynes" manual. Those manuals are too "typical". They do not split years/engines, well enough. They were talking about the 2nd generation computers. I think the light you are refering to is the"service EGR" or "service Emission" light.