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Turbo s/6 apparently doesn't have a turbo??
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Author:  finnman1 [ Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Turbo s/6 apparently doesn't have a turbo??

Finally got the slant to run right with the 1bbl. had to take the turbo/ 4bbl off. got it timed, ran great. put the 4bbl n turbo back on. hit the starter, VROOOM! Fired right up!! couldnt believe it. systems check, everything still good. give it gas to 3200RPM, no turbo whine, no whistle, no nada. boost gauge shows 20deg of healthy vacuum, 18 when i step on it which is normal. heaven forbid the gauge went into boost.
i've got all my vacuum/boost lines hooked up correctly. i had the boost gauge run off the intake (P.B. line) so it should've shown vacuum till it got more gas, then turbo took over and should've crept into boost. didn't know if any turbo guys knew what the deal was. it uses a buick draw-thru carb base fed into the turbo so it's a draw-thru. TII garrett off a 87 newyorker.
the propeller was nice and firm, barely any play, spun freely, excellent condition before installation. wonder if carbon and crap in the engine from 4 years of sitting fried my turbo?? it almost seems like it's siezed up and the fuel/air is bypassing the propeller thru one of the blades. :?:

Author:  emsvitil [ Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like it spun freely 4 years ago..........

I'd say the oil in the turbo bearings has turned to goo and it's not spinning...........

Author:  finnman1 [ Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:48 am ]
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well, before installation, the compressor side spun freely, and i also hooked up an air compressor hose to the wastegate line and it moved the wastegate rod right away (before installation), so the outside part seems to be working. and there seems to be a little oil coming out of the seam on the exhaust turbine housing where the waste exhaust pipe (pipe going to muffler) (no muffler) is. right where that bolts to the main exhaust housing. i hope you know what im talking about. it seems the exhaust housing has 2 parts. one for the blade where the exhaust goes in, and the side where the exhaust exits, right where these two join, theres a mineute bit of oil seeping out. that shouldn't stop it from spinning though right? supposedly the wastegate was rebuilt on the turbo....

Author:  mcnoople [ Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Is this while being drove or sitting in nuetral. You might not be able to spool it in nuetral. I wouldn't expect that to be the case since the turbo was designed for a motor with about 90 less ci.

Author:  finnman1 [ Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:38 pm ]
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alright, i'll try that tonight. guess ill try to finagle something into 4bbl linkage. or two foot it. ill post the results :roll:

Author:  mcnoople [ Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:15 pm ]
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If you two foot it don't fry your torque convertor by trying to hold it against a load for more than couple seconds.

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:48 am ]
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Even "2 footing" it may or may not produce boost. My 65 Valint 170 turbo, would only get about 1-2 lb of boost at about 3,000 rpm on the starting line. But it built FAST after that. It depends on the turbo configuration, and exhaust gas volumm.

Author:  finnman1 [ Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

i concur, i juryrigged up a new kickdown last night, and next is the throttle cable. also, the 3-time reused carb-base gasket is crap so that's next on the shopping list. it seems to whistle and wont idle down as if theres a vacuum leak... probably that though. Thanks for the insight!!

Author:  finnman1 [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:34 pm ]
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well, well, well..... looks like i won't be doing a draw-thru after all.
funny i should find this tidbit of info after everythings said and done and the car runs...
well, ive found out the oil leak source, it's my turbo turbine seal. it isnt good for drawthru setups... it will only work if i buy a special $$$ carbon seal and take the thing a part and put it in. evidently the one i have now is a 'piston type' and the vacuum from the engine pulls the oil past it. the turbo's still fine, but the setup just wont work without oil getting everywhere.
so, i dont know if i should attempt a blow-thru, or just drop a 360 or 400 B block into it. wish i knew where to find one. i appreciate everyone's help over the past few months sorting this out and helping me get this far.

what should i do?? i've just about lost ALL motivation after hearing this newsflash.

Author:  Matadem [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

since you are already that far...if it was me ... buy one of early buick 3.8 turbo's

those are draw thru...

ebay...or turbocity for a new one about $400

Author:  finnman1 [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:04 pm ]
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ive got one, bearings are crap... needs to be totally rebuilt. --> $$$$$

Author:  zooter86 [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:47 pm ]
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you could rebuild the turbo. What you need to do to convert it is replace the "seal plate" it's called. There are places on Ebay that sell a rebuild kit for about $75 & will sell the seal plate you need for an extra $50

Author:  finnman1 [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah, i just called turbocity and they said the turbo had a carbon seal plate from the factory, maybe the jackoff who rebuilt the turbo before replaced it with the crap dynamic seal. so, it's $108 for the setup, or $275 for a total rebuild through them. so my $80 turbo isn't only $80 after all. don't know what i should do...

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