Slant Six Forum

Where does your loose change go?
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Author:  '74 Sport [ Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Where does your loose change go?

So, what does everyone without a console do for stowing CDs, spare change, and 20 oz. drinks? I remember when there was a time you could buy an aftermarket plastic console that fit over the floor hump. Now, it seems, the ones you find have a fairly flat bottom that won't fit over the severe hump in Aaron's Dart Sport.

And who in their right mind came up with the notion of putting those two "drink holder" depressions in the glove box lid? Can you imagine what would happen if you hit a nice pothole with a can of Diet Dr. Pepper sitting there?


Author:  Super6 [ Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where does your loose change go?


And who in their right mind came up with the notion of putting those two "drink holder" depressions in the glove box lid? Can you imagine what would happen if you hit a nice pothole with a can of Diet Dr. Pepper sitting there?

I get the feeling those were designed for use at drive-in restraunts and movie theaters, definitely not for when the vehicle is actually in motion. :lol:

In regards to the aftermarket plastic consols, I bought one for my truck, and had the same problem with it being too flat to fit snugly over the narrow trans hump. 20 minutes of careful trimming with a utility knife cured that problem. ;)


Author:  Reed [ Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Coin holder: ... dZViewItem

Just add double sided foam tape and woodgrain contact paper.

Drink Holder: ... dZViewItem

Would mount well just above the window crank on the door.

Author:  mcnoople [ Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

After trimming to fit use velcro tape to hold it in place on the carpet. The hook end of velcro will grab carpet and not let go.

Author:  oldgoat83 [ Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I tried using plastic, window hung drink holders in my truck. They would get in the way whenever I turned the steering wheel. If I had a LARGE drink, it would take the holder with it when I took a drink.
My solution was to use some black, rubber foam I found at work. I drew out a circle in permanent marker and slowly cut out the shape with a loose razor blade. My prototype eventually became the defacto drink holder in the truck. I still need to cut holes for a second cup and my cell phone. Since it's made of rubber and sits against the wedge of the seat and the back, it doesn't move.
I gave a piece to my boss who used it and some hardening foam to create a removeable drink holder for his Honda Element. The standard drink holder size was too small for the pony keg with handle he carries around. It sits right over top of the factory holes.

Author:  sick6 [ Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

in addition to my custom gauge clusters, I am also making a console for dusters. it is still in the design stage now, made to fit manual floor trannies.

I had the same trouble, so I decided to custom fab up my own. If people like them I could make more, but I am just in the design stage now. after a month I may have a prototype.

the gauge clusters I am making right now however.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  I'll vote...

Since I don't smoke, all my change goes into the ashtray along with a handful of emergency fuses, and misc. small parts....

On the other hand, when I tore down my buddy Tom's 1969 Fury I for demo derby...after removing the entire interior I had about $6 worth of change from under every seat, ashtray, under the carpet, under the trunk mat....jeeez... :roll:


Author:  Jeb [ Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I throw all of my spare change and what nots in the ashtray on my car. Using the ashtray for its intended purpose is a sure way to stink up your car in a hurry. Just ask my ex-girlfried. Her whole car needed a nicotine patch.

In my 66 C-10 farmtruck, the ashtray is full of cigarette butts, the dash is insanely cluttered, I haven't seen the seat covers in years, and if you jump a hill, things that normally roll around in the floorboard suddenly obstruct your vision.

Author:  xwaynestaticx03 [ Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

currently, i use the ash tray just like all these other guys but my pal came up with a cool solution. he owns a 4wd cj jeep and decided to use an old army ammuntion box bolted to the floor. looks really cool and matches his grenade shifter knob quite nicely!

Author:  '74 Sport [ Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like a lot of ash trays are getting a work out, but it still doesn't deal with the drink stowage problem. My wife and I "borrowed" Aaron's Dart today, while he was busy doing something for a fundraiser. We took it to the local Sonic drive-in and experienced the problem of not having anywhere to put the drinks, while trying to negotiate the foot-long coneys and onion rings. :D

Sick6, I've also been considering building some sort of custom caddy to fit the floor hump. I just wish there was one at Wal-Mart that would work.


Author:  mcnoople [ Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Large fast food sodas work very effectively as a groin cooler while parked.

Author:  KBB_of_TMC [ Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  ashtray and coins

If you put change in your ashtray, be sure to keep the lighter there too. We don't smoke, and so I just left the lighter plug open for plug-in accessories. My wife then put some coins in the tray; a penny bounced down into the lighter hole and caused the hardest-to-find intermittant short...

Author:  sick6 [ Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ashtray and coins

If you put change in your ashtray, be sure to keep the lighter there too. We don't smoke, and so I just left the lighter plug open for plug-in accessories. My wife then put some coins in the tray; a penny bounced down into the lighter hole and caused the hardest-to-find intermittant short...
thats funny!

When I was in the middle of modifying my duster, I found many childhood items of mine under the back seat (my duster was once the family car).

It was a very memorable moment.

(when I finish my prototype I'll try to get some pictures up so you can see what I have been up to.)

Author:  Jeb [ Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

When I pulled the dash out of my Duster, I found a 30 year joint that was tucked in the dash lip. Crumbled all to pieces when I picked it up.

Knew those previous owners were a little "zoned out"

Author:  ValiantBoyWonder [ Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

i'm working on a whole center console, i'll post some pics of my progress soon.
Sick6 is a smart man, and good with his hands, you guys should check out his dash clusters.

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