Slant Six Forum

oil pressure
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Author:  CStryker [ Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  oil pressure

Wow... finally got everything all bolted up on this engine swap except for the carb. figured I'd take that opportunity to crank the engine and make sure I was getting oil pressure.

Well, after cranking it intermittently for a couple minutes, I don't. Tomorrow I'm gonna take the cover off the oil pump and put some vaseline in there... (right now there's just a light coating of liquid wrench). If it's not that, all I can figure is that the gear I put on it has started spinning on the shaft, though I wouldn't think so. (pump is a new melling; pulled the gear off the old pump and put it on the new pump before installing it.)

If the vaseline doesn't fix it, I guess I'll swap in the new pump I ordered today, and leave the gear on it that came on it (as much as I hate to do that).

Author:  dakight [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I always pack the oil pump with light grease before installing it. That's a trick I learned at my first wrenching job.

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