Slant Six Forum

Aussie A-body Hemi question
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Author:  Bohmer2 [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Aussie A-body Hemi question

Ok I saw OzHemi's post regarding the 265 inline hemi so here is the question. I assume that Aussie A-bodies have an inline specific k-member can it be used on a US model A-body to drop the inline hemi in one of our US cars?


Author:  Alexandre Garcia [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:54 am ]
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Remember that their K frame is made for their opposite side drive.

Author:  slantzilla [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:16 pm ]
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You may be able to just cut the mounts off of an Oz K and weld them on a US one. :D

Author:  Bohmer2 [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:24 pm ]
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I wasn't sure how their k-members differed I wondered if they were right hand drive cars, but the bigger question I was pondering is does their k-member position the motor lower to compensate of being an inline as opposed to slanted six. I would assume the block height of a 265 is less than the height of a 225 that is "unslanted", wonder if there are any other geometry issues with the front suspension, oil pan clearance, steering arms etc between an Oz car and US car.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:52 pm ]
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There are several sources that sell conversion mounts to install a Hemi-6 in place of a Slant-6 in popular applications. What kind of vehicle are you working on?

Author:  OzHemi [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:59 pm ]
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The Hemi is about 3.5" longer then a slant as well keep in mind as far as engine bay clearance goes.
Cutting the engine mounts off an Oz K frame and welding them onto a US one in the correct place is one way to go.. (I have a bunch of K frames to come actually just for that reason, lol..) No steering box mounts on them, so other idea would be to just weld the LHD steering box mount onto a Hemi K frame and use that.
A V-8 K frame can be modded to use with a Hemi as well by moving the mounting areas around on one side and shimming the other side from memory..

The overall length of the engine is usually the main issue aside from mounting it.

Author:  OzHemi [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here is a picture that helps show abit of the length difference in the heads/engine between the slant and hemi.
About a "foot" difference, ha ha... :lol:

Author:  Bohmer2 [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Dan, that is the big question, I have a 72 Dart Swinger that has no motor in it currently that I picked up cheaply ($100.00) so I thought it might be a candiate for the Hemi. Option 2 is a 48/49 Dodge Panel truck that currently has a flathead straight six, I think the Aussie Hemi would make an interesting Street Rod engine. I have an A-body v-8 k member so that would be an interesting option for the Swinger, but at the same time I can get an f-body k-member and adapt that for the hemi in the panel. Just speculating at this point in time but since Oz has/had the hemi coming stateside I want to see what my options would be.

Oz, I see the length difference (I assume that is an Aussie foot and not an American foot :roll: ). You dont know by chance the actual length measurement of the head, that would allow me to compare to the flat six in the panel and maybe make some different plans. I suppose I could make up for some of the length issue by using an electric fan???

Thanks for the information as always you guys are a wealth of knowledge.

Author:  OzHemi [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I will get you some actual measurements (and in inches metric stuff :lol: ) later tonight.. Got a few of the engines in the garage to measure up.

The old truck idea is interesting, as a local guy to me was thinking about putting one into a '54 ? '55 ? Dodge truck. We made some measurements and looks like it should fit fine, I think the radiator/support can move foward on it as well if any more room is needed.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:29 pm ]
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Just some thoughts based on my experience.
I put a Volare' front clip under my Girl Friends' 66 D-100.....not for the faint of heart....mebbe not even recommended. The results are great,,,the process is challenging.
I have flathead 251" in my DeSotos.....even the slant is longer than the flattie. Its a tough squeeze to fit a slant where an American flathead once less the hemi. Add 2" overall length to the differece between a hemi and a slant ....looks like 1 foot 2" ! Of course a torch and a big hammer can work wonders,,,,,,and messes.

I guess all Im saying is this becomes fairly complex.....

Jeefus Murphy! Thats a Fargo truck wid a freekin Hemi innit!

Author:  OzHemi [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:12 pm ]
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Ok, length on them, from back of the block to the front of the water pump hub is 32.5" or so... might help when measuring up against where the back of the block will have to go to line up with a transmission and to were your waterpump will end up :)

Author:  Bohmer2 [ Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the measurement Ozhemi, that will help me out. It rained all weekend with some nice hail here so I didn't get a chance to measure the length of the flathead. The is a bit of room toward the front the engine bay before I reach the radiator support as I recall. I don't suppose you know the weight of the 265 when it is crated do you (gotta figure out if shipping greyhound is possible? I will email you off list tonight so I can some other questions answered regarding the motor .

Sandy, It is always good to hear from someone who has been through the process before, I am not sure if there is any difference in size of the engine compartments between my older truck and your g/f's 66. A lot of this right now is theory and conjecture but with Oz having a hemi six for sale and me having a lot of aspiration to make this truck have something different for a street rod I am not currently faint of heart. I just don't want to see another 350/turbo 400 old mopar street rod.


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