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It's Alive!!!
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Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  It's Alive!!!

Nough Said?

Author:  emsvitil [ Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

So what was the problem?????????

Author:  Reed [ Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:29 pm ]
Post subject: 


Yeah, what was the problem?

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:10 am ]
Post subject: 

It turned out to be the carb - as usual!

It was flooding the dang thing totally - plus the plates were not opening to allow AIR into the mix! ANd one of the gaskets underneath it was toast because of the gas.

Now that I got it running, I was able to re-adjust the valves - 18 in and 20 out - the cam card lists 18 on it, so that's what I have it set to right now.

A buddy of mine that helped a little yesterday said that after it was warmed up and I idled it down - he thought it sounded like a HARLEY!!

It does sound really good too!
When I rev it, it sounds totally strong.
It ran right up to about 55lbs. on the oil gauge and showed charging and the temp gauge works fine too. It's amazing how much of this thing is totally working - the way I left it when I started this mess.

Blew me away when it started and we were able to get it to sit there and run all by it's lonesome!! I just went out this AM and started it - gonna have to find a choke setup for it - it's hard to start since it's cold, but it started and runs!!!

What a relief!
And it started on April Fools Day! Hope this isn't a bad omen!?!?!?

Now I have to put the rest of it together - tranny lines, dog house, seats, etc. Not too mention measuring for the new driveline and taking all the parts I have to make a new one to the driveline shop. Hoping this will happen on Monday.

So, what should I do about the break in for this? By the way, it's oiling on the top end just fine - and for those that are interested, I filled the oil pump with Vaseline weeks ago when I put the motor together the first time, so it works just fine.

This is so cool!!
What really sucks??? I can't take it out and see what it does on the road!!
HAHAHAHAHA - just calm down Daniel! Just calm down, take a deep breath, it will be ready to roll next week! Deep breath - slow down, hahahaha

Thanks for all the support and help guys!
Not out of the woods yet, but close!

Author:  Avenger2040 [ Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, that is a good new, keep it alive

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