Slant Six Forum

Timing and Break In?
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Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing and Break In?

This thing seems to be running well.
I started it and ran it till it warmed up this AM and then set the valves again.
18 in 20 out
I also checked the timing with everything hooked up (didn't plug the vacuum) and it is running about 30 after.
I run it until it warms up and I try to set it up at a high idle - I then let it run for 15 minutes or so and then shut it off for awhile. Is this gonna be okay for an "initial" break in - or???


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing and Break In?

This thing seems to be running well.
I started it and ran it till it warmed up this AM and then set the valves again.
18 in 20 out
What cam are you running? For a stock cam and many near-stock cams, 0.010" is where the intakes should be set.
I also checked the timing with everything hooked up (didn't plug the vacuum) and it is running about 30 after.
Don't think so...the engine won't run at 30° after TDC. I think you mean 30° before TDC.
I run it until it warms up and I try to set it up at a high idle - I then let it run for 15 minutes or so and then shut it off for awhile. Is this gonna be okay for an "initial" break in - or???
You want to avoid constant engine speeds and let it reach full operating temperature, so steady-high-idle and runs limited to 15 minutes (why?) aren't where it's at.

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

ISKY Cam - Grind #VA-160 - Part # 152116
Cam lift - .298
Valve Lift - .448
Dur - 264
050 Dur - 228
Lobe Center - 109
Valve Lash Hot - .018

I let it warm up to completely warm and then start figuring the time.
I've also been reving it a little high - not excessively - and I high idle it and low idle it too. Guess I should have described that part a little better.

Any ideas on what I should set the timing at?


Author:  Reed [ Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have seen motors runat 30 after, not very well, but they ran. I suggest 10 BTDC as a beginning setting and work from there.

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, I got it sitting at around 13 now.
Runs okay.

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