Slant Six Forum

Hesitation gone
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Author:  oldodge [ Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Hesitation gone

I finally got around to rebuilding the bbd carb on my super six conversion on my '69 Dart. I installed it last fall but haven't run the car much since. I had a real bad hesitation from idle since install that I thought was a bad accelerator pump. I was wrong, again. I rebuilt the carb and had the exact same performance. What I found was that the egr valve was stuck partially open. I removed it and welded the hole in the center shut. I put it back on and it runs great. The super six mod is now all it was advertised here to be. I think I will fab up a block off plate for the egr or shave everything off the valve body and weld some more, just for looks.

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