Slant Six Forum

damper/ waterpump
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Author:  Larry E Gee [ Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  damper/ waterpump

77- 225 short block back from the machine shop. Going into 64 Valiant 170. I have a new waterpump on the 170. can I use it on the 225? What about Pullys etc? The damper on the 225 has the damper sandwiched between 2 pullys the 170 has a smaller, narrower single damper/pully. I don't know if it will align with accessories from the 170. The 170 is not yet out of the car. :?:

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: damper/ waterpump

77- 225 short block back from the machine shop. Going into 64 Valiant 170. I have a new waterpump on the 170. can I use it on the 225?
What about Pullys etc?
All directly interchangeable.
The damper on the 225 has the damper sandwiched between 2 pullys the 170 has a smaller, narrower single damper/pully.
With the exception of the timing mark location, the '64 and '72 dampers are identical. The extra pulleys (front power steering and rear A/C) are bolted onto the damper.
I don't know if it will align with accessories from the 170.
Yes, it will.

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