Slant Six Forum

Utter BBS confusion
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Author:  RossKinder [ Wed May 31, 2006 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Utter BBS confusion

Yesterday I filled up, drove 56 miles of suburban driving with my month old rebuilt (standard) 225 and filled up again. I just tried to figure the mileage from that. The fill showed 2.32 gallons.

I'm also driving 185/80 tires, which I think would make the actual miles traveled slightly higher (59 according to a calculator on the internet).

Isn't this impossible? Especially considering that this old geezer doesn't drive like an old geezer? Rather like a "much, much younger geezer." (Well, no rubber burning attempts.)

Author:  dakight [ Wed May 31, 2006 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

You will have to drive a much longer distance under varying conditions to accurately compute your fuel mileage. There are too many other variables that get averaged out over a distance but can cause gross innacuracies over short intervals.

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