Slant Six Forum

Book on eBay
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Author:  RossKinder [ Wed May 31, 2006 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Book on eBay

There's a guy who goes on eBay every now and then to sell a Plymouth Shop Manual on CD for $20 or $30 plus shipping. The auction features the word "Plymouth" in big blue letters front and center.

The CD is NOT a plymouth, book, rather a general, multi-manufacturer book with a small amount of Plymouth information and not that much on any Mopar and the most on guess who - GM.

I bought it on the strength of the big blue PLYMOUTH.

I'm adding this actual size copy of the relevant graphics.

He flatly refused to make good on his misrepresentation, requiring me to pay more for any kind of fix - - and eBay flatly refused to get involved. (I can document all this.) Altho one eBay guy early on DID say he saw nothing wrong with it. Hey, the guys says it is a Plymouth book and it is not. Very, very simple.

BE CAREFUL. eBay's buyer protection claims are totally hollow.

eBay's own words, in part, after weeks of time killing:

"eBay cannot get involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers."

Their despute resolution system is merely an anonymous email relay in which you are expected to duke it out with the buyer yourself. In one place you are supposed to be able to put in your own explanation of the complaint. It never works. I found out, as you can see above, that is by design. They whump up a fake complaint and put your name on it.

Author:  bossanova6 [ Wed May 31, 2006 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's why you should only use a credit card to purchase items on ebay No matter how small the amount.Paypal will do absolutly nothing to help you.At least by using a credit card, you can file a dispute through the credit card company.The schisters on ebay are much more inclined to work with you if they know that you can dispute the charge !!!

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