Slant Six Forum

Fuel Sender Removal
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Author:  Slantedbrain [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Fuel Sender Removal

I'll start my own thread rather than pirating another. I'm 98% sure that I need to replace the sender in my tank, and it'd probably be a good idea other wise. I've established that the gauge works by momentarily grounding the wire. I've tried to improve the grounding connection at the grounding strap that's there but to no avail. So its up to replacing the sender now, I'll order one from RockAuto, and call it a day.

But my main question is: How do I get the old sending unit out? I can see where to drop the tank and make sure that its durn close to empty, but how do I get the silly little thing out of there, its not screwed or bolted in, so is there a tool that will do it?

That's about it for today. I'm sure more giants will eat my tomatoes later, and that always leads to civil war.

Author:  dakight [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

The sender is held in by a steel ring with tangs that fit into corresponding slots in the attachment ring. You can use a punch or drift, brass is highly recommended to prevent sparks, to drive it counter clockwise until you can remove it. The sender should then just lift out, and don't lose the rubber gasket that goes with it.

Author:  Slantedbrain [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Ahhh, and that's why i love my car. Ok, I'll grab a drift and a hammer and get that bad boy out of there when I get the new one, and I promise not to lose the gasket.

Author:  emsvitil [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

There is supposedly enough room to get the sender out without dropping the tank too...................

Author:  Slantedbrain [ Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I've heard that rumor, whether or not it has a basis in fact is up to either SSD to know and report to us, or for me to go and crack a couple knuckles disproving it. Either way, this should be good. I'll try it first without dropping the tank, b/c frankly, I don't know what all is involved in doing such a procedure.

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

In the past month or two I've pulled/reinstalled sender w/o dropping tank 3 or 4 times... at one point I even got the rear of the car high enough that I sat upright on the ground looking into the gas tank. If you don't want to go completely under the car, you can reach it by taking out right rear tire. This was on a 71 plymouth duster, ymmv on different applications.

When reinstalling, make sure that the sender sits squarely in the middle of the hole in the tank (one of my replacements, the pipe was bent too far down, that it was keeping the unit off center). Same goes for the ring, get it sitting in the center and not off to one side so it provides even force all around the base plate.

Grab the bottom of the pipe too when removing/reinstalling rubber hose because those solder joints are a bit fragile.

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