Slant Six Forum

single barrel alum intake/complete super six, what to pay?
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Author:  Andy's GT [ Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  single barrel alum intake/complete super six, what to pay?

hey, went to the local parts yard for the first time in a long time(studied in ireland second sem) and they had all sorts of slants, one had an alum intake, how much is that worth? also it had a metal guard thing on top, like a heat shield, would i want that too? also a volare wagon that i was thinking about trying to buy from them, is sadly spoken for and going to be in a demo derby, would have been better if they hadnt told us it had been driven in :cry: anyway, i am going to try to get ahold of the guy and ask him to not use that aircleaner, and to sell me the supersixe setup after he is done, what is a reasonable offer to make him?
thanks guys

Author:  Jeb [ Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would not waste my money on the aluminum intake. They suck. get a nice cast iron one instead.

I would give $150 tops for the whole supersix setup. manifold, carburetor, kickdown linkage (with trans lever), throttle cable and all the brackets.

Get the heat shiled too. I have one on my D-150. Works great.

Author:  Al T [ Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Cast Aluminun intakes fine

I just use the cast aluminum intakes from 80's pickups - had no problems at all. Significant wt reduction. F body 2 piece welded units pourous.

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