Slant Six Forum

More on mufflers - comparing info
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Author:  RossKinder [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  More on mufflers - comparing info

One guy at the local Midas shop seems to be quite a 6 cylinder fan, and he says a Cherry Bomb glass pack would sound great on my /6.

But I think I read here someone saying a glass pack is the last muffler he'd want on his /6. I'd appreciate hearing other comments.

Wouldn't it make a difference on how long it was? I've seen them from 16" to 27".


Author:  Dart270 [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the glass packs sound too bomby on a Slant, with a big hum and not much rap.

I like the Walker Super Turbo or Thrush turbo. Get a magnaflow if you want more sound but manageable. Flowmaster 50 is also louder but decent.


Author:  CStryker [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've got a cheap ($20) glass pack on my truck. Just went to the muffler shop and said "give me the cheapest glasspack you've got." It's all my dad ever runs because they're just so dang cheap and last forever. Personally, I like the way it sounds; great rumble at the bottom, and once you open it up, it actually gets a little quieter. Of course on the highway there's so much wind noise anyway that you probalby wouldn't notice open headers.

Author:  RossKinder [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the glass packs sound too bomby on a Slant, with a big hum and not much rap.
Too bomby. I've been wondering what you might mean by that. Obviously no real way to tell.
I like the Walker Super Turbo or Thrush turbo. Get a magnaflow if you want more sound but manageable. Flowmaster 50 is also louder but decent.
Those turbos - how would you compare them to stock mufflers?

Author:  RossKinder [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

great rumble at the bottom,
Oooh. Rumble at the bottom! I'm transported! To the good old days! Magic words you know! Rumble at the bottom!

I was just listening to sound bites on the Flowmaster site. Frankly they all seemed to have a "head in bucket" sound. Maybe that's the "famous" Flowmaster sound? And an odd mix, sort of like you recorded a tinkling sound then slowed it way down and beefed up the sound.
and once you open it up, it actually gets a little quieter.
I could live with that.


Author:  Slant Cecil [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a 2.25" Walker Super Turbo on my '68 V200. It has a quiet, near stock sound at idle and around town. It does rumble some at highway speed.
On my '68 Signet with a MP header, I put a 3" cheap glass pack, 21" long. I wanted something loud enough to hear when running agaist other cars at the track but OK for the street. I was doubtful it would be quiet enough. Ended up being just what I wanted and doesn't have the nasty rap that I once heard on a slant six Duster.

Author:  RossKinder [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

21" long. I wanted something loud enough to hear when running agaist other cars at the track but OK for the street. I was doubtful it would be quiet enough. Ended up being just what I wanted and doesn't have the nasty rap that I once heard on a slant six Duster.
Hm, maybe my 24" will have that nasty rap! :!: :lol:

Thanks for the reply.

Author:  AndyZ [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I put on Clifford dual headers and the muffler guy suggested 14" Cherry Bombs. It sounded like pissed off 2500lb bumble bee. VERY LOUD. So we tried 21" Cherry Bombs and it sounded just as bad. I took it around the block for Giggles and everyone looked, not a nice look, but a "What the ...?" look. Went with the quieter "Turbo" muffler eventually. I like them, Not too loud but you can hear whats going on with the engine. If you are a honey farmer you may like the Cherry Bombs. :wink:

Author:  RossKinder [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I put on Clifford dual headers and the muffler guy suggested 14" Cherry Bombs. It sounded like pissed off 2500lb bumble bee. VERY LOUD. So we tried 21" Cherry Bombs and it sounded just as bad. I took it around the block for Giggles and everyone looked, not a nice look, but a "What the ...?" look. Went with the quieter "Turbo" muffler eventually. I like them, Not too loud but you can hear whats going on with the engine.
I would think that pumping 3 into each muffler rather than 6 into one would effect the result a lot. You'd get more of a very rapid popping.
If you are a honey farmer you may like the Cherry Bombs. :wink:
Arrrrrgh, that one took me about 5 minutes. :lol:

And, no, I'm not a honey farmer. I have more bumble bee around here than I like with no more than normal size. I have a death wish when I'm around them - theirs. :x And wood bees are as bad, because they bore holes in the house. :x :x


Author:  Slant Cecil [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 2:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

21" long. I wanted something loud enough to hear when running agaist other cars at the track but OK for the street. I was doubtful it would be quiet enough. Ended up being just what I wanted and doesn't have the nasty rap that I once heard on a slant six Duster.
Hm, maybe my 24" will have that nasty rap! :!: :lol:

Thanks for the reply.

I didn't mean nasty/good, I meant nasty/obnoxious.
I knew of a /6 Duster about 20 years ago with headers. I don't know what he had for mufflers. It had an annoying flutter blast when it hit a certain rpm range. I have always worried I would choose a muffler that does the same thing. So far I'm OK.

Author:  Jeb [ Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a Flowmaster 40 series on my Duster. It sounds great and quietens down on the highway. It sounds like a V-8 at idle.

My buddy has a 250 Nova with a thrush glasspack and it sounds horrible. Glasspacks sound good on V-8s but are to bumbely on a six.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Anyone have a list?

I had heard there was a list a while back from some Dyno guru in Cali that flow tested the most infamous mufflers...anyone know if that list ever got posted?


Author:  SwingLo73 [ Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nevermind the sound for a minute, what about best flow characteristics, pros/cons to each type. I'm putting a 2.25" in next week and I have a choice between Magnaflow or Super Turbo.

Also, I hope this isn't too far off topic, but I had one muffler shop tell me I'd have to run 2" pipe out far enough to get some space and then I could expand to 2.25" the rest of the way out, but I've never heard that from anybody here. Anyway, only one of the four shops I called said that, I was just wondering....

Author:  emsvitil [ Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nevermind the sound for a minute, what about best flow characteristics, pros/cons to each type. I'm putting a 2.25" in next week and I have a choice between Magnaflow or Super Turbo.

Also, I hope this isn't too far off topic, but I had one muffler shop tell me I'd have to run 2" pipe out far enough to get some space and then I could expand to 2.25" the rest of the way out, but I've never heard that from anybody here. Anyway, only one of the four shops I called said that, I was just wondering....

Technically your better off going from a larger diameter to a smaller if you chane sizes of the pipe. As the exhaust gas cools, it takes up less volume so you don't need as large of a diameter pipe anymore...........

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nevermind the sound for a minute, what about best flow characteristics, pros/cons to each type. I'm putting a 2.25" in next week and I have a choice between Magnaflow or Super Turbo.
Neither of those would be my first choice, but if I had to pick between them, it would definitely be a name-brand "turbo" muffler. I've had too much bad experience with Magnaflow's stuff. Their mufflers seem to start out giving decent sound control with maybe a little too much drone at certain speeds (Murphy's Law dictates the drone speed will equal your cruising speed!), but after a couple months, the packing settles and they get considerably louder and the drone gets considerably less tolerable. "Turbo" mufflers are a gamble unless you get to pick the exact, precise unit you're getting, by brand and P/N, because everybody sells so-called "turbo" mufflers. Some of them work OK, while others are obnoxiously noisy.
I had one muffler shop tell me I'd have to run 2" pipe out far enough to get some space and then I could expand to 2.25" the rest of the way out
Bzzt! That's code for "We don't have a competent pipe bender". Find a better shop. The better idea, as emsvitil says, is to go from larger at the front to smaller at the back. There is no reason why a 2ΒΌ" headpipe cannot be installed.

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