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Author:  Robert Deloney [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Super/6

Super / Six 1973 Duster W A/C

I replaced my 1B carb with the 2B carb but forgot to mark the vacuum Hose does anyone have a Diagram on how to reconnect them, also I broke a bolt that connects the the lower part of the Exhaust and kickdown gear I went to the auto store and Lowes they carry a bolt but the threads are to short :shock: this must be a special order, I also need to obtain a repair manual I have seen them but not really sure which one to buy. anyone know of a shop in Jonesboro G.A. or Atlanta who can perform the Specs on my 73 duster there are a lot of shops here but I think most of them just put up a sign and started working on cars

Help in Atlanta

Author:  Robert Deloney [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

The Carb for my 1973 Duster is the BBD 2 BBL

Rob D

Author:  Bohmer2 [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:11 am ]
Post subject: 

There is a 1973 Plymouth/Chrysler factory service manual on e-bay right now (item number 8069465784) or you can get one on CD from one of the many online service manual companies.

This will have all your factory specs and the vacuum line diagrams.

You should be able to obtain the bolt you need from any store that carries grade 8 bolts. Some dealer parts counts still carry the originals for an elevated price.

Author:  vynn3 [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:57 am ]
Post subject: 

'73 service manual won't help with a super six conversion — he'd need an Aspen/Volare book.

Reed is the keeper of all manuals BBD, and has posted a vacuum diagram for me in the past. Can I recommend a search for "BBD vacuum"?


Author:  Reed [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Reed is the keeper of all manuals BBD
I don't know where I got this reputation as being a carb guru, I just have a good reference library. :wink:


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