Slant Six Forum

Speedo pinions for 64' Dodge Dart?
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Author:  Galactica5 [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Speedo pinions for 64' Dodge Dart?

How many different speedo pinion sizes are there available for my 64' Dart 833 4 speed.
I know of 21, 19 and 17 tooth but I need a 18 tooth to get the correct reading.
Is this available?
Doug, you got me the 19 tooth but I have since changed the rear end to a lower ratio.
Mabe you can help me out again?
The 17 tooth reads about 2 mph fast and the 19 tooth reads about 2 mph slow.
Obviously I need a 18 tooth. :wink:
Hopefully sombody has a extra one they could sell or trade me.

Author:  relic-lover [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Dark Purple

The 18 tooth pinion you are looking for is listed as Dark Purple.

I never found any offered new, but used ones are out there.
I got one a few years ago from wildcat mopars yard.

The one I got is a fairly light purple, it must have faded over the years.

Here is one in Pat Blais ebay store ... 4649281161

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