Slant Six Forum

Sway bar install + vibration at 65 mph
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Author:  RDJ [ Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Sway bar install + vibration at 65 mph

In looking at instructions for installing a front sway bar (I have a Hellwig) for my 73 Swinger, it says that I should put the front wheels on ramps (which I don't have) or put the front suspension on jack stands so the front suspesion is under load.

Wouldn't just having the car wheels on the ground still have the front suspesion under enough load to install the sway bar without having to jack the car up? Having a jack stand under the lower control arm (LCA) would probably get in the way trying to attach the sway bar to the LCA. Also, when I had the front end aligned, the alignment guy adjusted the front end height. After driving it around some, it appears that one side may be slightly lower than the other

In addition, I just got new wheels and tires, had it aligned, and I installed new U-joints. It also has new 5-leafs on the back and new KYBs all the way around. When I get up to 65 mph+, the car has a vibration, since the car didn't run before I did this stuff, I don't have a driving history of the car. Should I check the drive shaft angle? Do the drive shafts ever need to be balanced?

Author:  emsvitil [ Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

They want you to install the sway bar with weight on the front suspension, and don't think it's possible for you to install the bar when the car is level on the ground.....................

So you're fine installing it if it's on the ground (if you can)

Take a look at the driveshaft and see if it looked like there was a balance weight that got knocked off (broken spot weld, cleaner section.....)

Author:  65valiant310 [ Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like the tires to me..get them rebalanced and go from there
I had the same prob till I bought better tires

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