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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:59 pm 
Turbo Slant 6

Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:47 pm
Posts: 526
Car Model:
This is general question specifically the electric choke (heater and bi-metal coil type).

If needed, specifically for 5220/6520, but I thought this type of design is very same on most carbs that use electronic choke system. (bi-metal spiral type)

How LONG from full choke to full open position?

Cheers, Wizard

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:49 am 

Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:53 pm
Posts: 4295
Location: Gaithersburg MD
Car Model:
I don't know what the book says, or what the specs are, but in the real world this depends on a lot of things: how hard you are driving, what speed you are driving, the outside temperature, how you have the choke set, your particular choke spring, the functioning of your exhaust "crossover" valve that diverts exhaust up under the carb, and even your hot air stove to the carb to some slight extent. They say the hot air stove speeds up warm up when it puts warm air into the carb.

With all that being said, on a moderately warm day,starting with a dead cold engine, the choke should be off within 4 or five minutes, or about the time it takes to drive 3 or 4 miles in traffic. Are you having problems with yours? Does the engine seem to run too rich at warm up, or too lean? The EPA wanted to get the choke off as soon as possible for emmissions purposes, and usually the 70's slants were running too lean after about 3 minutes of driving. More than one wife brought their Volares home to their husbands and demanded they be traded for a car that would not stall out at the first traffic light away from home. Having the carb sit way out away from the engine under warm up conditions is a special challenge shared by few other engines.


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