Slant Six Forum

Finishing My slant Build
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Author:  runvs_826 [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Finishing My slant Build

I know this has all been covered a couple times, and I have searched through the archives, but each situation is a little diffrent so it's hard to compare. I just built a slant six cause it was easier and cheaper than to drop a 8, and it was kinda fun to build on an easy engine. I've done kinda the typical build that everyone else does. Now that I'm finsihing the engine to put back in there's a couple items I've sorta skipped the exhaust and intake options. Internally I've done everything I can think of short of windage tray, roller rockers, and the famous "long rod."
I have a supersix on my oil leaking stock six, I think it's the small holley 2 barrel not quite sure of the cfm. i'm still on a budget, and would like to know what to finish the intake with. I like the offy the best because you got to have clifford headers and all that junk. The hyperpak is the best option, however, my uncle says it makes starting and warm-up a... frustration, it doesn't have heat (i live in oregon, not the warmest during the 9 months of rain and winter). So will the 2-barell be enough? Get a bigger progressive 2-barrell? Or step up?
Last, I'm about ready to order a set of dutra duals, but don't like looks of chopping up the back and using it, what's the option of that, to order two and use them for the front and back???

Author:  slantzilla [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can use 2 fronts, but you almost have to use a mini starter for clearance on the back pipe. :shock:

Author:  sandy in BC [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

.......and dont sell the super 6 is good for most street applications.

Author:  runvs_826 [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

what 2-barrel carb is would be the best setup for a 200-225 hp engine that is full streetable, is there any progressive carbs that would work?

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  You have a couple choices...

what 2-barrel carb is would be the best setup for a 200-225 hp engine that is full streetable, is there any progressive carbs that would work?

You can get the Mr.Gasket 1937 adapter, do a bit of blending and have a Holley 2300 fit, you can also try to find one of the discontinued Holley 2305's that are progressive (i.e. primary and secondary plate) two barrels (they made them in 350 and 500 cfm models...

I have a couple of Exhaust manifolds that would make good dual rear candidates I would part with for a few $$$ and you are close enough to pick one up if interested in not hacking your good one apart (I actually am putting HVAC into a feed store turned office space in your town tomorrow...LOL)....


Author:  Thropar [ Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

For now I'd run the supersix and whatever carb you have on it, then move on to something with more flow, depending on how you like the motor, what you desire, and how the motor responds. Not sure what kind of head work you have done, or what cam you are running, so it's hard to say what to put on the intake side.

Author:  70valiant [ Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

With a stock cam, headers, 3.91's, and head work I got a super six down to 16.37@82mph in the 1/4, actually I have yet to go faster since I went to the 4bbl (bad luck at the track 3 times :roll: 1st time trans was slipping, second time I broke the sure grip, and the third I blew a power valve)
So I agree don't sell the super six short.

Author:  runvs_826 [ Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok, well thanks you guys, i think I'll keep the super six and maybe upgrade the carb if I get ambitious. The headwork was a full port and polish, oversized valve, new guides and seats, milled .1, and upgraded to 340 springs. The block it just a .040 overbore. the cam is 270 duration with a .5 lift.
i think I might shoot for the dutra duals with the extra manifold set I got from the new motor. I hate the looks of the chopped manifold, but I get to keep all the exhaust we already made. Thanks for the opinoins!

Author:  sick6 [ Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finishing My slant Build

I like the offy the best because you got to have clifford headers and all that junk. The hyperpak is the best option, however, my uncle says it makes starting and warm-up a... frustration, it doesn't have heat (i live in oregon, not the warmest during the 9 months of rain and winter)
I really don't understand this, since I live in minnesota (land of 104 degree summers and -50 wind chills in the winter) and ran a holley 390 with clifford headers and 4 barrel clifford manifold (stock everything else) for 9 years as a daily driver with no start up or "warming" problems, and my dad had it for 15 years before that with no problems. I got 25 MPG too. never had any fitting issues either, everything dropped in my 75 duster just fine.

maybe I was just "lucky", but I don't think so. I think people here are just scared of the 4 barrels.

there, I finally said it.

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