Slant Six Forum

Found the original problem finally!
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Author:  Sam Powell [ Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Found the original problem finally!

I was told by Accel's tech line that the universal inductance pickup leads are supposed to hooked up to pins C and D on the harness ignition plug. In multiple conversations with them, and with Rance I refered to that fact.

One of the nice features of the Accel calibration software is that the F1 key will open up a help screen for whatever programing or calibration screen is open at the time. Last night I went through all the programing screens and hit F1 and read them. When I got to the ECM monitoring screen, which is a report of the feed back the ECM is getting and giving, I hit the F1 button, and noticed with shock, and suprise that the crank sensor signal comes in on pins E and F. I read and re-read this. I could not believe what I was seeing. At first I thought that maybe I misunderstood the difference between the crank and cam signals, but no, I had it right, the crank signal is the one I was supposed to be using for the UIP, and yes, I had it hooked up to the cam input, according to this help screen. The question is, why did it not fry something the second time. It either went into a self protect shut down, or Accel fixed it, and didn't admit to it. That sounds cynical doesn't it. Now why would I feel that way?

Now there has been at least one mistake in the factory harness,(TPS wired backwards) and I wonder if the could be an error in the help screen. Of course if they had good wiring digrams, I would have been able to figure this out.

So I am sort of angry that they would make such a deadly, critical error in telling me how to hook this thing up, but mostly relieved that I figured out what was wrong. Thinking back on it, the guy who talked to me on Accel's help line probably had his girl friend on hold, and was just getting through the day. My problem was probably not really much of a priority in his day.

In the end, I told Fred to get the IUP harness adapter, and I think that is what hed did, but I cannot tell for sure. My old dual sync harness is still hanging there, and used in some function, but since I did not wire this part up, this time, I don;t know what function it serves now. I have more questions to ask both Accel, and Fred before I get much further into this. I was sure the guys on the forum here who have been following this would want to know of this discovery.

Thanks again for your support. I have taken more than I have given here lately, and you guys have been great!

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow. I think Megasquirt II is what I'll use for EFI. If not that then Haltec. I can't belive Accel has such poor support and documentation.

Anyway, I hope you get the car running to your satisfaction and can enjoy it!

Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Sam, glad to hear you figured out. Sucks though that you had to go thru all this pain in order to get you car running and those m**therf****ers didn't bother on produce legible, real wiring diagrams nor correct information.!

:x :x

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats some messy busines there... I'm glad your up and running but I sure hope this journey was worth the difference between MSNS-E/MS-II and accel.

Author:  Matt Cramer [ Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's very weird.

Actually, I think there was probably a defect in the unit as well as the misswiring. Often crankshaft position sensors and cam angle sensors use the exact same type of pickup device, so unless Accel sends their own cam angle sensors or mandates that you use an optical or Hall effect pickup, I'd have expected either circuit to have survived. Even if it didn't work too well, both should have been able to take the voltage.

Good luck getting the rest of the issues fixed!

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