Slant Six Forum

I need help fast....
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Author:  MXN002 [ Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  I need help fast....

ok, i need to get a 1967 slant six trany... for my 1967 dodge dart. i was told that the only tranys that will fit would have to be 66' or 67'.. i found a guy that has a slant six trany but he does'nt know what year it is... is there anyway to tell from looking at it? he mentioned something about a starter that was high... i dunno if that helps.... thanks....

Author:  Joshie225 [ Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

The torque converter "nose" and input shaft are smaller on the '66-'67 automatics. If you have a '67 and earlier engine a '68 and newer torque converter will not fit into the back of the crankshaft.

If you get the numbers off the trans oil pan rail someone here should be able to tell you what you have. Also, if your engine has been replaced with a newer model you want a newer trans or a bushing to properly support the small nose torque converter in the crankshaft.

Author:  VDART [ Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  tranny

have 1 from a 66 dart but it is in Kansas

Author:  relic-lover [ Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  trans id

Assuming 904 AUtomatic ...
There is a number stamped in the side of the pan rail. Also will be casting markings that can ID when the case was cast.

The two things I think would be the most obvious are the input and output shafts.

The input shaft for 60-67 will be the small input shaft which can be identified by counting the splines.

Then the output shaft for a 60-64 will have a flat flange with four studs to mount a ball and trunnion joint. 66 and up I believe will have a slip spline in for a regular cross style u joint.

That only leaves how to weed out the units from the 1965 year

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I need help fast....

ok, i need to get a 1967 slant six trany... for my 1967 dodge dart. i was told that the only tranys that will fit would have to be 66' or 67'.. i found a guy that has a slant six trany but he does'nt know what year it is... is there anyway to tell from looking at it? he mentioned something about a starter that was high... i dunno if that helps.... thanks....
1965 and older 904 trans, is cable shifted, and has a flange on the output shaft of the trans, so these are eliminated.
66-67 has a "normal" shift linkage and slip yoke for the output shaft, as does the 68 up.
What you need to do is measure the pilot nub on the torque converter or count the splines on the input shaft of the trans.
66-67 nub is 1.560 diameter and the input spline count is 18
68-up nub is 1.810 and the spline count is 27.

If the starter mount location is above the trans centerline, the trans is for a slant car, and most trucks. If the starter location is below the trans centerline, it is for a V-8 or V-6.

Author:  fede-valiant [ Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Here, the date is impressed in the block, in big numbers... the lasts two numbers are for the Slant year.

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