Slant Six Forum

rough cold starting..
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Author:  slantswinger [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  rough cold starting..

after beating on my 6 down the park way about 20 miles and back then letting it sit for like 2 hours in the cold it took for ever to start. after adjusting the ground cable and trying...then tightening my bootleg coil connection then trying like 3 more times it finally started. i have an accel super coil thats not brand new and was given to me and new terminal cables. i also have a manual choke that u know was closed so its not that. it was getting plenty of gas so thats why i think it was a cold spark issue??

Author:  Jeb [ Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

We need more info to diagnose your problem. Are you sure it is firing when it is cold? That will help us a lot. If it is firing, check the plugs first. might have fouled out.

From what you say, I would assume the pickup coil in the distributor is going bad. Could also be the EI box and a lot of other things to.

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