Slant Six Forum

Should Ingnition Coil Get Hot?
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Author:  Keith [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Should Ingnition Coil Get Hot?

I've changed my /6 '69 Dart over to electronic ingnition using the
parts from an '80 Aspen. It starts and runs fine, but the coil gets what seems to me to be too hot. After a 15 mile or more drive it is almost too
hot to touch. I have put in a new ballast resistor and coil but it still gets hot. I am using the single pole resistor. It is wired per the diagram I had for a Mopar Performance electronic ignition kit. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.

Author:  KBB_of_TMC [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Pretty warm, but not too hot to touch is normal; if it is way too hot to touch, check the + voltage - it should be ~8V ign on, eng off. If it is much higher, you may have a shorted ballast or miswired it; if it much lower than 6V, you may have a partially shorted coil.

If you can touch it w/o burning yourself for a second, but it is uncomfortable, that's normal. The typical power into the coil is ~100W.

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

This sounds like it is getting to hot for sure. Do you have the right coil for the app. I cant remember which one uses it but one of the coils have a built in resistor.

But there has probably been some that have had this problem and will know the right anwser. But if its getting hot enough to burn you then something is not going to last.


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