Slant Six Forum

4 barrel turbocharging.
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Author:  JohnnyDees [ Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  4 barrel turbocharging.

I have a 450 holley that I might use with a turbo setup. It is older and has a vent on the bowl. Can I use a newer bowl somehow. Do I need to make some other modification? I am trying to decide between this and fuel injection setup I have. One setup will get sold and the other finished this winter.

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Does it not have the normal vent tubes that all the holleys have? Or does it have these plus a vent directly coming off the bowl? Doest it have a flap that covers (the bowl vent) it or a tube that is made to hook to a hose? I am sure your carb can be used one way or another. But if you have a EFI system that can be ajusted this would be way better than the carb setup because of easier tuning and uneven fuel distrabution with the slant six intake manifolds. But the carb still can be used if you are not going for high boost.

You want the bowl to get pressurized. I have some links I can look up for modding the holley that will help. But you need solid floats that want colaps, good high flowing needle valve & seats, remove any Power Valve blow out protection check balls (if it has them), surface any gasket surfaces so boost cant push fuel out between the gaskets ( like the metering plate to body gasket surfaces) , Drill out the power valve restrictor orfices to flow more fuel, jet the carb up, A few places on the metering blocks that have to be sealed( JBweld over them). There is a few other things but I will get the link for the mod artical so you will understand more.


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