Slant Six Forum

HEI problems
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Author:  turbocuda [ Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  HEI problems

Im having some issues with my HEI conversion and maybe someone can help. Im using a fuel injected 7 pin module because I just happen to have one laying around. Its been tested and is fine. Because it has more pins on it, im having a hard time looking at diagrams and descriptions for 4 pins and trying to make them work with this 7 pin. Gold dusters site shows a 7 pin diagram but it doesnt tell me the letters to attach my pickup wires to. The C terminal is next to a + terminal. Does this + ternimal do anything? The B terminal is on the otherside of the module but do I still use it like in the 4 pin descriptions? Ive even tried to do a pickup to pickup type wiring and that didnt work either. The car is apparently not getting any spark. Ive got the ballast unhooked and the 2 wires put together. But what do I do with the second field on my alternater? Do I need it anymore with this setup? If so where do I put it now that the ballast isnt used? Hopefully someone here can help me ou t.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

4-pin HEI modules can be had by the double-handful at wrecking yards for between $0 and $5, or brand new from $20 to $40. You will save yourself more than the highest of those amounts, in time and hassle, if you'll just start out with the easy 4-pin module to begin with.

Not sure why your alternator's second field terminal would enter into it...!

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