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Engine Shot?
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Author:  66aCUDA [ Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Engine Shot?

Just got my 66 Cuda show car in and the man says the engine was blown, no oil pressure. Its been sitting for 15 years and appears to be froze up. I was thinking of putting kerosine in the clys and let it sit a few days. Then hook up the batt and give it a whirl. OR would it be better to pull the head and take a look first. I does have oil in it and the rad is full even with antifreeze.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

The engine is going to have to come a part anyway doint try doing any thing that might harm it any more. Think :D Thanks Ron Parker

It Aint Over Until I Win

Author:  66aCUDA [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I thought that was the case, just hoping :? .
I really just wanted to see it run oh well I guess It would need freshened up anyway. Sittting that long i would guess that all the seals and rubber are gone anyway.

Author:  rock [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Cuda, I would do this first

Hi cuda,
sure understand the urge to hear it roar! but if it has been sitting that long, at a minimum I would drain the crankcase to see if any condensation has turned the oil to white glue that you don't need pumped into the block. THen refill with some single weight oil and try to turn the crank with no plugs in and a socket on the damper bolt. No battery at all. If mice got the wires you don't need a fire. Just get a wiring diagram and check continuity on the ignition circuit in a few places and in the lighting circuit. That would give you a feel if the wires were ok, kinda reducing you crapshoot to 60/40 instead of 50/50, but still....
And I know many other guys here have their own pet ways of bringing Lazarus back to life.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

After more review. A locked up engine may or may not be a blown engine. Try This take off the vavle cover and see if everything there looks normal. If a valve is not there that is not normal. If that looks ok go buy two pints of Marval Mystery Oil . Get a cheep plastic squirt mustard bottle and squirt that in to the sparkplug holes and let set about two days. Drain the oil and leave the plug out. After two days try hand turning it over if not shoot in some more oil. Try again in two days. If not successful pull the head. Then you can see what the upper end looks like.
If you can still not turn over the engine that should tell you it is locked up at the crank bearings. But the bottem line the engine is still going to have to be rebuilt . Thanks Ron Parker :D

It Aint Over Until I Win

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

One thing make sure it is the engine that is locked by turning by hand or with a ratchet. If no go REMOVE the starter and try again, I have seen starters lock up with the bindix drive stuck forward so it would lock the engine and make you thing the engine was the problem. WHich is what a starter settiing for 15 years would probably try to do.

If it is the engine then I would pull it. Even if you was to free it up it want last long at all and may damage the block,crank or rods beyound use. It would have to draw a lot of moisture to do this.


Author:  66aCUDA [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Update

I got an update on the story of the engine. My friend was driving to work and All of a sudden the oil idiot light came on and there was a loud clunk and the engine quit. He assumed the engine was shot and parked it since 1992 in the desert of AZ. The oil is dirty but not white on dip stick check. He said the auto trans and the engine both leaked a little but he had check both that morning and added a little oil. As for locked up I grabbed the fan and belt and it wont move.
I guess it might be a connecting rod or main bearing to stop the engine like that. May have lost the oil pump to cause the whole thing. I think I should get the GUNK out and start degreasing the engine and shooting everything with pen. oil.

Author:  440_Magnum [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Update

I got an update on the story of the engine. My friend was driving to work and All of a sudden the oil idiot light came on and there was a loud clunk and the engine quit. He assumed the engine was shot and parked it since 1992 in the desert of AZ. The oil is dirty but not white on dip stick check. He said the auto trans and the engine both leaked a little but he had check both that morning and added a little oil. As for locked up I grabbed the fan and belt and it wont move.
I guess it might be a connecting rod or main bearing to stop the engine like that. May have lost the oil pump to cause the whole thing. I think I should get the GUNK out and start degreasing the engine and shooting everything with pen. oil.
It sure would be nice if people didn't just assume an engine is "blown" when it makes a funny noise and suddenly quits. The real question is how long between the time the idiot light came on and the "loud clunk." If it was almost simultaneous, it could have just been a timing chain snapping or even an ignition failure (spark at the wrong time->big knock or backfire and engine quits). If the light came on, and he drove a few miles, and THEN there was a loud clunk, things are a lot worse.

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like a tear down is in order. With info like that its best not to take a chance and see what you have to work with. Because who knows how what happened 15 years ago. Sounds like one thing is for sure is that something happened. Tear it down and find out what.


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