Slant Six Forum

Mid 80's truck /6 into a '73 Swinger
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Author:  72polara [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Mid 80's truck /6 into a '73 Swinger

Hello all,

My Swinger's /6 is about ready for a rebuild, but I'd like to keep the car drivable and take my time doing the engine. I've picked up a /6 from an '84 pickup truck that was supposedly running when pulled. Still need to do a compression check, etc, but the plan is to swap it into the Dart to drive while I build the '73 motor.

Any idea of potential problems I'll encounter on the swap? I'm assuming I'll need to re-use my oil pan, and all bracketry. Will the earlier flexplate fit the later model crank?

If this whole operation sounds like too much trouble, I may go back on a hunt for a decent early 70's motor to build/swap and toss the 80's engine.


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Easy swap...

Just swap your flex plate, oil pan and pickup onto the truck motor and you'll be done...

You only have to worry if the engine was going into a pre-68 vehicle...

On the positive side, you won't have to lash the valves until you swap back to the older slant.

good luck,


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