Slant Six Forum

bbd idle speeds
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Author:  75dartcustom [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  bbd idle speeds

i did a search but couldn't find anything,
what should the fast and curb idle speeds be on a bbd for a super six setup?

also, from what i read, idle mixture screws should be turned out 2 1/2 turns and then played with from there to get the engine to the point where it just idles smoothly, correct?

should i set the idle speed before i set the idle mixture? thanks

Author:  CStryker [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:58 am ]
Post subject: 

My theory is that you want the curb idle to be as low as you can go and not have it die when you put it in gear; I usually end up at about 500-700 rpm, depending on engine configuration. Not sure what fast idle spec was on that setup w/o checking manual, but I doubt you could go wrong at ~1800.

Setting idle mixture and idle speed by ear is a recursive process; you set the mixture, see what rpm your at, and then drop the idle speed down to where you want it. Then see if you can make it idle better by adjusting the mixture again. If so, you have to drop the speed again. Repeat until you're happy.

It used to take me several cycles of this until I just started tuning mixture w/ a vacuum gauge; now I usually set the mixture once and am close enough at whatever idle speed I want.

Author:  oldgoat83 [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

My D-150 manual says 700 and 1600 I believe. A little higher for auto-trans. Not sure what it would be for other models.

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