Slant Six Forum

Steering Issue (Long)
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Author:  slantvaliant [ Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Steering Issue (Long)

My steering is acting up. Yesterday, I noticed a slight hitch in the steering. By the time I got it home, it was much worse.
Symptoms: Normal steering when turning the wheel to the left. Rotating the steering wheel to the right takes much more effort.
As far as I know, this has all original parts from the steering wheel to the steering arm.
'64 Valiant daily driver, automatic (pushbuttons on the dash), manual steering, seems to be the 24:1 box.
The car tracks straight, and the suspension feels normal. It was rebuilt with Moog bushings last year, with no problems noted there.
I have separated the coupler from the box. The steering shaft rotates freely in the column.
The car has had significant play at the steering wheel for most of the time I've owned it. There is a lot of movement before the steering arm moves. Early this spring I adjusted the steering box bearing preload and sector engagement per the FSM. That removed some of the play, but not nearly all. It's gone a couple of thousand miles since then, city and highway. Until yesterday, I didn't notice any problems.
At the steering gear box, there is rotational play, then an inconsistent, clunky,almost stepped feel as the play is taken up. I don't like the feel of that. Broken? Really worn?
I'm going to separate the steering arm and recheck the gearbox adjustment, but I'm suspicious of the gearing itself. It might be time for a different box, new gearset, or ... ?

Until I figure this out, the Valiant is grounded.
Ideas and suggestions welcomed.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Could be a fault in the box, but I'd take a careful close look at the coupler assembly first.

If you need to swap the box, the 20:1 "mid ratio" unit, which you can get from Steer & Gear or Firm Feel, is a huge improvement over the 24:1 box. If you need to contain costs and get a used unit, interchange is '62-'72 A- and B-body.

Author:  65 dartman [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:21 am ]
Post subject: 

If you need to contain costs and get a used unit, interchange is '62-'72 A- and B-body.
I could be wrong but isn't the B Body manual box supposed to be a "better" box because of bearings?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:08 am ]
Post subject: 

No, the bushing/bearing split isn't A- vs. B-body, it's 6-cylinder vs. 8-cylinder in either body size.

Author:  65 dartman [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, the bushing/bearing split isn't A- vs. B-body, it's 6-cylinder vs. 8-cylinder in either body size.
Thanks! I knew it was something but just didn't know what. When I part out this V8 65 Coronet w/manual steering, I will use that box on my 65 sl6 Valiant Signet also with manual steering, plus use a new pitman arm.

Author:  slantvaliant [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

The coupling isn't perfect, but it seems to flex like it should and not bind. Turning the splined input shaft of the steering box gives me the same slack, and uneven stacking. I felt through the wheel.
So, I'm looking for a box.
A 20:1 gearset was already on my want list. It sounds like a good compromise.
Right now, I just need one that works.

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