Slant Six Forum

an installing a truck leaf spring question
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Author:  rock [ Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  an installing a truck leaf spring question

decided to get a nice new set of front leaf springs ordered and on the way from Springs 'N Thnigs. Is the spring install as easy as it looks from laying beside the spring? Do you just unbolt old spring set from shackles and slide in the new set? I know there must be unforseen perils! Can I jack up the truck enough to work easily or does it have to stay stabilized? Do I have to pre-compress or pre-ension the spring set to get it to fit the brackets? or......sure doesn't look like much of job just laying around looking at it but I have had years trickle away after thinking that before!


Author:  volaredon [ Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Nothing to it really, just need stands for the frame and a floor jack to raise/lower the axle as needed to line things up... a torch helps for 40-some year old U bolts, along with some new U bolts! Be sure you replace any bushings you take out along the way while youre in there.

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