Slant Six Forum

Power drum breaks
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Author:  terryx [ Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Power drum breaks


I just installed a power booster onto my stock 67 dart with 9 inch drums all round

Everything went well in the installation and it works

But I would like to get a bit more push out of it so the breaks come on quicker and harder.

My question is can I just extend out that pin that goes from the inside middle of the booster can into my master cyl.

I has a rounded end that is adjustable with a wrench

If I tweek on this a little bit will the breaks come on sooner

Or am I just waisting my time with this thinking............?

many thanks

Author:  Pierre [ Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

You did use all the linkage from the power setup right?

As long as theres no slack anywhere setting the rod further in will not get it to come on any quicker, all that will do is make the brakes drag...

9" drums aren't the best choice for braking power - even adding a booster does not give you more braking power, it just makes whatever power they have easier to apply. Perhaps upgrading to discs would of been more optimal?

Author:  terryx [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  breaks


thanks for the reply

I'm going to adjust the rod a little, because I think it slightly too short

When i press it all the way in I get a groaning sound from the booster, the instrutions that came the the new master cyl I put on it said that this is indicative of it being slightly too short. So this may help in my case only.

Also just wanted to as ...

Is there acutally any difference is hydrolic push power between and master cyl for power drum breaks and a master cyl for drum and disk.

Or is the only diff the larger res for the drum/disk set up.

I currently have a master cyl for a drum/disk because the parts store did not have one specifically for drum all round.

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