Slant Six Forum

turbo action experience w 904
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Author:  john grady [ Sat Dec 23, 2006 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  turbo action experience w 904

Hi...these guys quoted me about 800$ to rebuild tf 225 904 67 dart, they are good from past experience with 440/727 etc; includes opening converter and "rebuilding" it, which they say is necessary as junk from trans over high miles can get in there, and raises hell pumped into new rebuilt trans..(makes sense---right?))

I asked about low first in 904, why not , extra cost , OK. Once they got trans, it turned out sprag was ripped up, case wrecked; plus, it had smaller OD input spline, and converter with that spline "is not serviced"

So new converter, new larger input spline, low gear, and they had to "find a good case" ; price went to 1600$. Big bucks for this, but sort of caught in my own underwear at that point.

I try to feel good about all the upgrades etc, but still...wowsa bucks Any comments? Are they still the good guys they always were? And I am just unlucky...

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: turbo action experience w 904


So new converter, new larger input spline, low gear, and they had to "find a good case" ; price went to 1600$. Big bucks for this, but sort of caught in my own underwear at that point.

I try to feel good about all the upgrades etc, but still...wowsa bucks Any comments? Are they still the good guys they always were? And I am just unlucky...
It depends on what they did about the converter. If they gave you a custom converter, probably about right. If they gave you a "stock" converter, seems high, and gives you another problem. A stock large spline converter also has a larger pilot "nub", and this nub will not fit into the end of the 67 and older crankshaft. A custom converter can be built with the large splines and the small pilot. Check this out before trying to install the trans.

Author:  john grady [ Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:22 am ]
Post subject: 

you are right Charlie..that was fixed by at least a special flex plate , for some reason, maybe special back on converter, although I don't think so. ? It did go together OK...Engine was a new one, may have had larger crank hole already. Whetever, we feared what you mentioned, but it fit...67 is a confusing year, built both ways, apparently...

Related, I hear puttingin the later OD trans is a hassle due to cutting of strcture but otherwise ok... I am surprised that is not discussed more. I did not realize until recently that the later trans, up to certain years which I do not know, still have hydrualic governors and shifting, only 12V to shift to OD; or on another pin, 12V to oock converter; otherwise they are 727 and 904 trans..true?

Author:  dakight [ Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:02 am ]
Post subject: 

They are based on the designs of the earlier Torqueflite trannies but to say they are otherwise the same is stretching it a bit I think. The Torqueflites were known for efficient and reliable service while the A5xx models have quite the opposite reputation.

Author:  440_Magnum [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

They are based on the designs of the earlier Torqueflite trannies but to say they are otherwise the same is stretching it a bit I think. The Torqueflites were known for efficient and reliable service while the A5xx models have quite the opposite reputation.
I think you're thinking of the A6xx front-drive transaxles as being unreliable. The A-500 and A-518 are pretty solid. The early A-518s (circa 1992) had a weakness involving a torrington bearing in the O/D section that was grafted onto the back of what is basically an A-727 (you can even use A-518 clutches, retainers, gears, etc in an A-727), but after that they were pretty solid. Around '96 they did away with the mechanical governor and went to an electronic output speed sensor that fed a computer control to regulate shifts and that added some troubles, but they were still pretty solid. My dad has the original (and in fact un-serviced- he still doesn't believe in changing transmission fluid) A-518 in his 92 5.2 Dakota with 230,000 miles on the dang thing- early style Torrington bearing and all. And they've now got about 80k on their 2000 Durango (5.9) with the later version of the A-518- no problems there either.

Author:  dakight [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I don't have any solid statistics on them but I continually hear complaints that the A-5nn trannies have problems. I hear it from the guys on the Dodge Truck World forums as well as several professional mechanics. The 44RE ( A-500 ) in my Dakota gave out at about 125K; cost me about $1200.00 to get it rebuilt and that was the wholesale price.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I get my transmissions built from a shop that has being doing this for 45 years. My builder knows 904 and 727 top to bottom.
Stock used Slant 904 100 dollars
Manual vavle body 250 dollars
Prefessional modifying for drag racing only and rebuild 300 dollars
PTC 8 inch 4500 stall converter 600 dollars
Have raced it for five years . No problems until it tore the stock flexplate into.
Took it out put in new flex plate and am still racing it. Five years going
Thanks Ron Parker :D

Author:  john grady [ Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:48 am ]
Post subject: 

maybe we need a place on the site where good guys can get votes/endorsements for stuff done. helps us, helps them, keeps idiots out of the game..

Trans work, PS work, engine rebuilds, interiors etc... Not apid site, someone has to have used the guy and come out happy=1 vote; negative votes too...

Author:  Doc [ Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

maybe we need a place on the site where good guys can get votes/endorsements for stuff done. helps us, helps them, keeps idiots out of the game..

Trans work, PS work, engine rebuilds, interiors etc... Not apid site, someone has to have used the guy and come out happy=1 vote; negative votes too...
"The Slanted Network" forum is the place to post this kind of info.
Let everyone know who you like (and don't like) as far as having work done on your SL6 vehicle.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Fri Jan 05, 2007 6:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

PS this same builder that builds Dale Rose Trans And Norm Foster trans who is our 2006 national champion. He also rebuilt a trans for Rob Simmons doint know if Rob Is Using it or not. Thanks Ron Parker :D

Yall Aint Seen Nothing Yet Let The Races Begain

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