Slant Six Forum

DODGE emblem for 74 Dart Sport
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Author:  74DartSport [ Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  DODGE emblem for 74 Dart Sport

Okay guys. I know I have asked this before. I need two new DODGE emblems for the header panel and the trunk deck lid for my 74 Dart Sport. Ebay is a too time consuming for used crap so that is not an option. Layson's sells these items for $26.00 each, yet I am on back order with them and I'm tired of waiting (I know Dan's opinion on Layson's). Layson's says these emblems are made in the United States. Who makes them and what is their email address or telephone number? Does anybody have two for sale? Thanks for your help.

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