Slant Six Forum

Sticky Clutch
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Author:  74W100/6 [ Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Sticky Clutch

When i push my clutch in all the way, it doesnt engage, like my clutch plate is sticking to either my pressure plate or flywheel. Any ways to fix this or help it? I know the clutch isnt out of adjustment, its tight and grabs at the top, so its fully angaged when the pedals to the floor. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  icaneat50eggs [ Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do you mean the clutch doesnt fully disengage? I had that problem with my d100. I pulled the trans and the bronze pilot bushing fell out. The pressure plate also had some broken springs, so the pressure plate was not sitting flat........why the clutch wouldnt disengage.

Author:  74W100/6 [ Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  clutch

Yeah thats what i meant. Im getting a kevlar centerforce in a few weeks, but thats a few weeks man...a few weeks. I'll shutter my rear axle apart by then!

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

a little more inf would be helpful..

What kind of clutch?

What size?

Hydro T/o or Fork?

Has the vechile been sitting for a while?


Author:  74W100/6 [ Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  clutch

Its an 11" mecahnical Rhino clutch on a 74 w100. The truck sat for a year after i installed it. But i didnt have problems untill i drove it for 3 or 4 months. IM sure i broke a spring when i was offroad one day. I just need some ideas to remedy the scenario until my centerforce comes in. Thanks

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