Slant Six Forum

Where did my crank bolt go?
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Author:  TheTieWrapKid [ Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Where did my crank bolt go?

I don't know how long my slant six Duster's damper / crank bolt has been missing. :)
Does anyone know if a v8 crank bolt will work such as the 2 1/4" Mopar Performance part? Or where to get the slant six bolt? I know that the damper is on there good - cause I just did a timing set and took it off and on. But I'd kinda like to make sure the damper stays on. :roll:

Author:  Matt Cramer [ Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

It probably never had a crank bolt, although you can add one if you like. The slant six dampers are designed to press fit on.

Author:  TheTieWrapKid [ Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the tip. I have a crank bolt on my other slant six car (Dart) and I think it had one when I bought it (used). The threads are the same as a v8 because the installer tool fits the same, but I didn't know how long a bolt I would need. I hadn't heard that they came without a crank bolt. I do know that it was a "son of a gun" to get off and on.

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