Slant Six Forum

Performance Clutch?
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Author:  64Valconvt [ Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Performance Clutch?

:?: I want to replace the stock weak clutch in my 64 Valiant 3 on the tree, and was wondering if anyone out there knows if I could bolt a centerforce dual friction up to the stock fly wheel? If not could I fit an 11" flywheel in the stock bell housing? and what is the diameter of the stock fly wheel?
I know someone out there has answers or ideas on what sort of performance clutch I can use, thanks for the help,

Author:  Doc [ Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here is some information. ... utches.htm
You may need to call around for current availability on some of the units discussed.

Also try to search the old messages, there have been some good threads on this subject.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

The clutch with your "three on the tree"is a fair match for your trans. Putting a stronger clutch in your car will simply make your fragile trans the weak link.

I use a 9.25 clutch in my car but use a Turbo T bird disc that matches my 5 speed trans.

If you are slipping the clutch because your gear ratios or driving style are inadequate a larger clutch will not fix the problem.

If you wish to upgrade the clutch it makes sense to upgrade gears and trans. ie 4 speed 833 and 10"clutch with 3.23 gears


4 speed 833OD 10"clutch 3.91 gears

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