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Author:  WILL'S74 [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Overhaul

In about 2 month's I will be upgrading my 74 Charger with a new cam head intake and exghaust. If there is any info that would be helpful such as what emissions stuff i can and can't get rid of that would be great. I also would like some info on cam replacement in the car I don't want to pull the motor if I don't have to. In short any advice or hint's would be helpful. Thanks...

Author:  Doc [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:16 am ]
Post subject: 

...In short any advice or hint's would be helpful...
I would find an extra engine and build that one on the engine stand, then swap it in when it's ready. Or buy a "short block" assembly, swap in a performance cam and build a nice head for it.
Spend your money on good cylinder head work.

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