Slant Six Forum

Head work
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Author:  icaneat50eggs [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Head work

O.K., I have my head off, I am going to have the manifold surfaces redone, and I am going to do some porting. Here is the question, is it that critical to keep the valve keepers with that valve? Pushrods in the original lifter? I can see keeping the valves in the original spot because of lapping. But what about other components?

Author:  mpgmike [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you're taking the time to do port work, then you might want to consider doing a few more things to make a quality job all around. If your head is a pre-'74, consider having hardened exhaust seats installed to live better with the unleaded fuel. If it is an older head, you should probably at least have the valves and seats refaced. Check the guides (wobble the valves around mostly in the hole, but not the whole way) for slop. If the guides are worn, you will consume oil and you will blow smoke (at least on start-up).

Back to your questions, the springs, retainers, and keepers can be mixed and matched with no problems.


Author:  icaneat50eggs [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

The engine only has about 4-5 k on it. Everything is really clean. I dont know if I have hardened seats or not, but everything looks really clean and sharp.

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