Slant Six Forum

Slanty Six Oil Consumption (again)
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Author:  Davey [ Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Slanty Six Oil Consumption (again)

Hey...good info and answers to my last post. Thanks. I only mentioned the choke earlier because I thought that the high vacuum condition caused when the motor revs against the closed choke plate might be pulling the oil past the rings. Apparently y'all think the problem with the smoke at startup is more likely the valve stem seals and or guides. Here's the thing about this motor...a week ago I plumbed in an oil pressure guage and I noticed that the oil pump "area" seems wet with oil. I know I put the adapter fitting and the sender all back tight on the oil pump, but the pump was wet with oil before I even monkeyed with the oil guage installation. It didn't even occur to me then that this might be where my oil use is coming from. Do the oil pump bolts go loose on these engines over time? What else could be leaking in this area if it isn't the sender, fittings or oil filter? This might just be my oil consumption problem if I can figure out what's leaking near the oil pump. Davey

I may not know where I am but I am making great time.

Author:  Doc [ Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Recheck the bolt tightness and pressure check the idot light sender, these are known to fail and leak right out the top.

Author:  VDART [ Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  sender leakage

I 2nd Doc on the sender leakage-- mine just gave out & spewed a lot of oil------ 2quarts in less than 1 mile--- others mentioned they had similar problems------though not the quantity leakage I had- easy part to check/replace..

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