Slant Six Forum

oil pan gasket replacement
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Author:  blind_in_1_ear [ Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  oil pan gasket replacement

ok, as usual, i am a complete newbie at most all things mechanical...
i usually get 'em apart ok, but the put back tends to be the trick i can't pull off, and since this is a important piece of car in my life i wanna get this right..

ok, '70 Valiant 225....904 trans.....which is the issue i have right now, it's leaking pretty bad...especially when she sits....

ok, now i want to replace the gasket, and am willing to get all messy...

(*also, SlantSixDan, i am ordering my FSM today from i am closer to a full "3 book set" after this afternoon....*)

first thing i noticed was a good number(12-14) bolts holding it on....was under it with a guy who said..."make sure you do the back ones b/c that way it all goes out one side to control the fluids...."

so i go to NAPA, and get the gasket...(*cork or felpro?? or the P/N 4295875AC from Chrysler that Dan mentioned??)

and THEN do i use gasket gunk(*glue or adhesive??? guess i could ask this of NAPA guy, but i think you guys know more than they do!!!)

bolt all down to like 18 ft/lbs....

refill(*with ATF true?? and how much...think i saw 5-6 qts.???ish?? see why i asked....), and viola???

seems like a easy fix, but i am an idiot, and like to make the simple difficult...

am i missing something?? should i just let AAMCO at it...i assume they'll find other things i know like a new price....

tell me if i am missing anything....i am curious, and willing....just a bit nervous when it comes to these things....

blind, working towards the light....

P.S. if it's in the transmission why it the "oil pan"??? it is leaking the red stuff, so i am thinking it's ATF???

Author:  Pat Dawson [ Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Changing the transmission oil pan is a very routine job for AAMCO. If you are afraid and have some coin let them do it.

But if you have basic tools, jack stands, a work light, and some patience you surely can do it yourself. As you loosen the bolts make one corner drop first so the fluid can go into a container instead of all over yourself and the ground. Clean both surfaces, clean the pan, put the new gasket on, use sealer if you like, and LIGHTLY tighten the bolts in an even pattern. Fill the trans with Dexron or Type F (search other threads for details). You'll find a lot of discussion on gasket type, sealer type (if any), fluid recommendations, etc.

Author:  ROADRUNNER7169 [ Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:13 am ]
Post subject: 

if you use the mopar gasket DO NOT use sealer also you need to replace all 14 bolt's with part #6036330aa lists for $.45 EA. and the gasket lists for $13.70 and if you don't use the new bolt it will most likely leak (I didn't belive my boss but I did the new gasket on my car with the old bolts and it leaked) the good thing about this gasket is you can reuse it over and over

Author:  blind_in_1_ear [ Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:17 am ]
Post subject: 

glad to hear that i am thinking correctly...

i got some time coming up after my wisdom teeth(*all 4!!!) extraction on Thurday...
will be keeping you all up to date too, since i will be around the house a little more....


Author:  slantvaliant [ Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:15 am ]
Post subject: 

... after my wisdom teeth(*all 4!!!) extraction on Thurday...
Depending on the medication and dosage, your posts might be a lot of fun!

Author:  RDJ [ Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

if you use the mopar gasket DO NOT use sealer also you need to replace all 14 bolt's with part #6036330aa lists for $.45 EA. and the gasket lists for $13.70 and if you don't use the new bolt it will most likely leak (I didn't belive my boss but I did the new gasket on my car with the old bolts and it leaked) the good thing about this gasket is you can reuse it over and over
I am curious how a different bolt would make a difference. My elementary thinking is, how would a different bolt hold the pan differently?

Author:  ROADRUNNER7169 [ Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I didn't think it would make a difference either until I lost about 3 qts. of fluid I know the new gasket is a little bit thicker and the old bolt just barley grab with a few threads I really don't understand it

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