Slant Six Forum

D-I-Y Disc UCA's
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Author:  sixinthehead [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  D-I-Y Disc UCA's

My latest experiment!
Big-joint uppers are getting harder to find (read; more than I'm willing to pay :wink: ), and small-joint arms are round-file fodder, so why not improve them using more common (cheaper) parts?
A hole saw removed the threaded tower from the small arms, and the band saw harvested some big towers from a pair of F (or J/M) arms, leaving a 1/4 lip around the edge.
Insert big towers into little arms with plenty of overlap for strong, careful welds and presto! Ready to rock using the F spindles from the same donor.
Concentricity (or lack thereof) can be handled in the alignment phase; match the hole to the OD of the tower to minimize variance.
There you go. If you like it, better stop throwing away early and Aspen arms. If not, send them to me!
:idea: Try it at your own risk! Welding/modifying suspension pieces is serious business! :shock:

Author:  heckshemi [ Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I think you have a good idea there. It'll probably be stronger than stock.

Author:  Slant6Ram [ Thu May 03, 2007 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Lot of work

Sounds like a huge pile of work!

It might work fine, but I find it hard to cost justify. By the time you collect all the pieces and spend the time assembling them, what have you gained over just buying a used set off ebay or getting a brand new tubular set with new everything and better adjustment features.

Author:  sixinthehead [ Thu May 03, 2007 9:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Let's see;
collecting pieces = 15 minutes extra while pulling knuckles
band saw work = 30 minutes tops
hole saw work = 15 minutes
welding = 10 minutes and <$5 for wire and gas
saving $60-$250 over used or tubular = priceless

Author:  sethmcneil [ Fri May 04, 2007 1:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Let's see;
collecting pieces = 15 minutes extra while pulling knuckles
band saw work = 30 minutes tops
hole saw work = 15 minutes
welding = 10 minutes and <$5 for wire and gas
saving $60-$250 over used or tubular = priceless
this is assuming you have a donor car,
that you have a band saw,
and a hole saw,
and a welder,
and most importantly, know how to use them.
its cool, but there most deff. some logistical problems for most.

Were all impressed with your work though!

Author:  sixinthehead [ Thu May 10, 2007 2:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, these donors are pretty easy to find, ie any Aspen, Volare, Fifth, Diplomat, Grand Fury, etc from 76-86 or 7 when they stopped making them. People are stripping & crushing them left and right, so the parts don't cost much except the time to pull them.
Tool-wise, the real trick would be a plasma torch that would zip through that stuff like butter. Short of that, though, it wasn't too bad doing it this way.
BTW, I don't own those tools either - that's what friends and family are for :wink: . Most of us have made enough connections that we can get the job done, whatever it happens to be.
Thanks for the support - I wasn't sure if y'all would decide that I was crazy or what.

Actually, I am crazy, but don't tell everybody all at once...

Author:  63gtcv [ Sun May 13, 2007 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  a arms

Hey, if it ain't too much work for you, then it ain't too much work. Gaining experience at anything is always good. If you get it down to a science, maybe you can make a few $ at it. More power to you.

Author:  440_Magnum [ Mon May 14, 2007 6:37 am ]
Post subject: 

this is assuming you have a donor car,
If you're having trouble finding M-bodies in junkyards, you need better junkyards :wink: Yeah, they'll get rare some day, but we're not there yet!
that you have a band saw,
Or have a friend with one.
and a hole saw,
Cheap at Home Repo
and a welder,
Or have a friend with one
and most importantly, know how to use them.
Learning new skills is what the old car hobby is all about! Anyone with a wad of cash can go buy tubular control arms. That's why all the "monster garage" type cars out there don't impress me at all. I could spend that kind of money, but I'm already proud of the work I do at my day job which earns the money. I'd rather be able to look at the car and say "I did this."

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