Slant Six Forum

Coloradoslants 1971 Valiant
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Author:  coloradoslants [ Sun May 06, 2007 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Coloradoslants 1971 Valiant

Here's my '71 Plymouth Valiant, original /6 with 109, 000, factory air, a/m radio, that I picked up last fall. It cost me $450 and needed just a M/C, driver's side door glass, new rubber and a little tlc to make it pretty.

The B5 blue paint was faded so I went with a generic dupli-colorSUV medium blue . Yep, I did a rattle job. It looks great after the clear coat was applied and a bit of rubbing. I also painted the rims in matching paint and have the original hub caps. The body was the big surprise. NO rust or rot. The floorboards and trunk are beautiful, imagine the suoprise to find actual waxable paint in the spare tire well. A nice no salt or humidity Colorado find. She still has the majority of the original engine and trunk stickers are in place.

The vinyl top was mint, the chrome is great, she's missing 4 fins in the grill, but who cares. One will eventually fall from the sky and onto the car.
The carpet and interior are also amazing. The carpet has a heel dig on in front of the accelerator pedal, and the seat has a small tear under the driver's seat. Everything else is great.

I just snatched an AM/FM from a '74 Dodge motorhome from the salvage yard and I can now get more than talk radio, Rockies games and soccer games from Mexico.

I added some window vests, a circa hula girl and compass, just like grandpa had in his car. My next additions will be speakers adn a rear defroster.

The super six sitting in the garage will either go in the Valiant or our '81 D-150.


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