Slant Six Forum

Hyper-Pak Throttle Linkage
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Author:  Ken Sharp [ Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Hyper-Pak Throttle Linkage

Can someone furnish or direct me to a picture showing the original Hyper-Pak carburetor throttle linkage arrangement?

Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Sat Jun 23, 2001 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hyper-Pak Throttle Linkage - Ok

: Can someone furnish or direct me to a picture
: showing the original Hyper-Pak carburetor
: throttle linkage arrangement?

I have some stuff on the Hyper Pak linkage but need some time to pull it out, scan it in and post.

Do you have a Hyper Pak comming together? What year car / chassis type? Are you OK with using a cable throttle linkage?

Keep checking back, I will try to get this done in the up-comming week, I will post a new message once I have it all pulled together.

Author:  Ken Sharp [ Sat Jun 23, 2001 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hyper-Pak Throttle Linkage

: Can someone furnish or direct me to a picture
: showing the original Hyper-Pak carburetor
: throttle linkage arrangement?

Doug, appreciate the offer. I've a 67 Cuda notchback, 4-sp, 3.55 sure-grip, head milled w/Ford 300 valves, original Hyper-Pak spec Mellings cam and Clifford's (your's!?) intake manifold & Carter 4bbl. Cable throttle is stock on the car, so I'd prefer a cable version. Thanks for the assistance.

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