Slant Six Forum

MP aluminum 2bbl vs. stock "Super Six" iron 2bbl
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Author:  Daniel J. Stern [ Tue Jun 26, 2001 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  MP aluminum 2bbl vs. stock "Super Six" iron 2bbl

Anyone have any experience with the (discontinued?) Mopar Performance aluminum 2bbl intake, compared to the stock iron 2bbl "Super Six" item? Both are EGR manifolds (anyone remember the part number for the EGR blockoff plate?). I have one of each. The MP aluminum item is a very nice casting, though it has some strange pipe-threaded holes on the underside of the front and rear runners, just like the common "middle of the top of the rearmost runner" hole on all factory 6 intakes.


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue Jun 26, 2001 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MP aluminum 2bbl vs. stock "Super Six" iron 2b

The MP aluminum item is a very nice
: casting, though it has some strange
: pipe-threaded holes on the underside of the
: front and rear runners, just like the common
: "middle of the top of the rearmost
: runner" hole on all factory 6 intakes.

Awww Dan, they're just "speed holes", no sweat.
Besides if Lloyd replyed to this he'd tell you that's where to pump in the environmentally incorrect R-12 to keep the engine running cooler.

-Duster Idiot

Awaiting the "You're Right." bronze plaque commissioning ceremony.

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