Slant Six Forum

2bbl air cleaner base needed
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Author:  Daniel J. Stern [ Wed Jun 27, 2001 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  2bbl air cleaner base needed

I need a good "small" (e.g. Carter BBD/smallblock) 2bbl air cleaner baseplate. The space constraints in the '62 A-body engine compartment mean in order to run my 2bbl, I need to cut the carb hole out of a 2bbl baseplate and "paste" (weld) it onto a 1bbl baseplate so I can use the 1bbl air cleaner assembly that clears the engine bay. Doug or anyone?


Author:  Wesley A. Moeller [ Thu Jun 28, 2001 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2bbl air cleaner base needed

: I need a good "small" (e.g. Carter
: BBD/smallblock) 2bbl air cleaner baseplate.
: The space constraints in the '62 A-body
: engine compartment mean in order to run my
: 2bbl, I need to cut the carb hole out of a
: 2bbl baseplate and "paste" (weld)
: it onto a 1bbl baseplate so I can use the
: 1bbl air cleaner assembly that clears the
: engine bay. Doug or anyone?


Are you still looking for one of these? Let me know, if you just need a 2bbl air cleaner base, I'm sure I can find one in my garage.

Let me know,

Wes '78 Volare

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