Slant Six Forum

Manifold bolts
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Author:  E. Jones [ Fri Jun 29, 2001 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Manifold bolts

Do I understand correctly that the manifold bolts go thru the water passages in the head?

I've read the suggestion to use teflon tape on these bolts, but has anyone tried the teflon caulking (You can get it at the hardware store in the plumbing dept)? It's just a white teflon goo in a small tube. It's worked great in my house plumbing, but I don't know how it would stand up to the manifold heat. A little more mess than the tape but I find it much easier to use.

Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Thu Jul 05, 2001 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Manifold bolts

: Do I understand correctly that the manifold
: bolts go thru the water passages in the
: head?

Yes, These stud holes go into the head's water jacket.
As for the Teflon "Goo" (paste)I use it all the time and it will work fine in this location. As you say, it is real easy to use and a very small amount will ensure the seal. (I use Teflon Paste on NOS system fittings, where a little piece of loose "tape" in the wrong place can "melt-down" the engine)
: I've read the suggestion to use teflon tape on
: these bolts, but has anyone tried the teflon
: caulking (You can get it at the hardware
: store in the plumbing dept)? It's just a
: white teflon goo in a small tube. It's
: worked great in my house plumbing, but I
: don't know how it would stand up to the
: manifold heat. A little more mess than the
: tape but I find it much easier to use.

Author:  E. Jones [ Thu Jul 05, 2001 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Manifold bolts

Thanks Doc.

The very back stud was snapped off before I got the car. This might explain the exhaust leak. :)

Got the engine pulled on Tues. Took about 45 min. but I already had every thing removed excpet for tranny and motor mounts.

Piece of pie, easy as cake. I was concerned about the ballance of the engine, but that was no problem. I did have to adujst where I connected the puller onto the chain bolted to the engine once.

: Yes, These stud holes go into the head's water
: jacket.
: As for the Teflon "Goo" (paste)I use
: it all the time and it will work fine in
: this location. As you say, it is real easy
: to use and a very small amount will ensure
: the seal. (I use Teflon Paste on NOS system
: fittings, where a little piece of loose
: "tape" in the wrong place can
: "melt-down" the engine)
: DD

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