Slant Six Forum

need main bearing help
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Author:  Steve [ Fri Jun 29, 2001 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  need main bearing help

I am finally getting to put the motor together and ran into a glitch. I have two sets of Clevite 77 bearings and intended to full grove the mains. When I started to put it together I noticed that the notch is in a slightly different location on the berings which cause the inserts in the cap to stick out a little from under the cap. If I change to the smooth insert it lines up real good. Also the thrust bearing will not fit in the cap at all unless I go to the smooth insert. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong.

Thanks for everyones help

Author:  Charlie Schmid [ Fri Jun 29, 2001 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: need main bearing help

There are two was to cure the problem.
1] modify the tab on the bearing, so the inserts line up. Very easy, does not take much time.
2] Widen the notch in the bearing cap. Takes longer, but only needs to be done once, then any change of bearings is just a drop in.


I am finally getting to put the motor together
: and ran into a glitch. I have two sets of
: Clevite 77 bearings and intended to full
: grove the mains. When I started to put it
: together I noticed that the notch is in a
: slightly different location on the berings
: which cause the inserts in the cap to stick
: out a little from under the cap. If I change
: to the smooth insert it lines up real good.
: Also the thrust bearing will not fit in the
: cap at all unless I go to the smooth insert.
: Is this normal or am I doing something
: wrong.
: Thanks for everyones help
: Steve

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